Graduate Carreer Follow Up System in Hungary Zsuzsanna Veroszta PhD Educatio Public Services Non-profit LLC.


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Presentation transcript:

Graduate Carreer Follow Up System in Hungary Zsuzsanna Veroszta PhD Educatio Public Services Non-profit LLC

Overview The environment Institutional frameworks Higher education and labour market changes in Hungary Challenges/objectives Institutional implementation Research program International cooperation Evidence based educational policy Elements of the system Country-wide sample surveys Integration of public agency databases Institution-based surveys Tasks of correspondents Methodology Questionnaire

Istitutional frameworks Financial resourches European Union - Social Renewal Operative Programme Official background Ministry of National Resources Professional and methodological center Educatio Public Services Nonprofit LLC Data collection and implementation level Higher education institutions (significant financial support)

Environment Massification of Higher Education Institutional diversification New patterns of education, LLL, Bologna Rapid changes in environment, labour market Changing expectations, transmission period

Objectives Educational research program Higher Education as an investment Subjective aspects of professional success Beliefs about young graduates – validation Graduate unemployment Carreer change Overeducation Institutional feedback – improvement Evidence based educational policy (Data based information management system) (reward or punishment?)

Elements of the system 3 data sourches: 1. Country-wide sample surveys Foundation to the institutional surveys (non-regular) Face to face interviews on representative samples Among full-time students (2009) and graduates (2010) 2. Integration of public agency databases Integration of official databases: first attempt in Hungary includes (theoretically) the whole population of graduates in 2010 (~50.000) One year after graduation (transmission period) connecting data at personal level (not identified) Databases: - Education Office: socio-demographic and study data - tax office: income, profession - health care data: profession, employer - employment register: unemployment rate Lack of subjective components 3. Regular Institution-based surveys

Institution-based surveys Tasks of correspondents institutes: - establish or improve graduate tracking system, adapt to national system - surveys, institutional background, external and internal communication methodolgical centre (Educatio): - Support HEI projects - provide the standard of tracking systems, helpdesk, conferences, handbooks - Central services: national surveys, database building, research, communication (web), administration Methodology Centralized standards On-line data collection at institutional level ( from administration system) Population: students (all) and graduates 1, 3, 5 years after graduation – every spring Questionnaire core questionnaire completed with specific institutional questions open/closed questions international standards for comparability

Research areas Questions related to workplace and labour market position Professional success Professional satisfaction Vertical and horizontal matching of study and work Transition period – from school to work Life long learning tendencies, learning patterns and plans Socio-demographic background International mobility (both working and learning)

Results of the first years Researches among students and graduates on representative samples Integration with official databases 2010 and 2011: data collection of 30 higher education institutes National database 2010: graduates of 2007, 2009 National database 2011: under construction First results about the success of young BSc graduates Presentations, research papers, publications Trainings, workshops, conferences Website:

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