CAUSES LEADING TO THE RENAISSANCE Religious chaos Crusades Constantinople Urban cities…ex. Genoa & Venice Merchants Patrons…Medici family
HUMANISM “the study of all the potential strength and beauty of his body, in all the joy and pain of his senses and feelings, in all the frail majesty of his reason; and in these as most abundantly and perfectly revealed in the literature and art of ancient Greece and Rome.”
HUMANITIES Reason of study History, Literature, and Philosophy Spread through academies rather than universities
CELEBRATION OF THE INDIVIDUAL Middle Ages people worked for… Renaissance people worked for … Wanted to be known…FAME! Portrait painting and autobiographies Worldly pleasures
UNIVERSAL MAN AND WOMAN The Courtier by Baldassare Castiglione Have your list of ideal traits out on your desk
MAN Greek and Latin classics, charming, polite, witty, dance, write poetry, sing, play music, skilled rider, wrestler, swordsman, moderate height (interferes with athletics)… Ex. Leonardo
WOMAN WOMAN…Educated in classics, paint, write, make music, dance, charming, DID NOT SEE FAME, inspire poetry but rarely create it, they were more educated but had less political, economic, and social influence than medieval women… Ex. Isabella d’Este
1) PERSPECTIVE Massacio “Father of Modern Painting” 3-D drawing, depth, parallel lines join in the distance, upper stories slant downward in the background, people are larger in front
2) FRESCO Bondone Paint on wet plaster Showed emotions Interaction of people Gave rounded bodies and faces
3) Sculpture Donatello Free-standing figures in the nude with their back- sides Bronze “David” (not Michelangelo’s “David”)
4) PAINTING Jan Van Eyck Perspective using color Oil-based paints Intense foreground colors with hazy background colors Extreme detail even in “Wedding Portrait” mirror
LITERATURE Vernacular language Worldly, native language No longer the product of scholars or clergy Petrarch…”Father of Humanism” Wrote sonnets (14 lined poems) Believed in self-fulfillment rather than spiritual fulfillment
Philosophy/Politics Machiavelli Wrote The Prince Ruler should be strong as a lion and shrewd as a fox Most people are… Trick people b/c… Not morally right but politically effective “The ___ justifies the ___”
SPREAD OF THE RENAISSANCE 1) Northern Renaissance Erasmus…In Praise of Folly Thomas More…Utopia 2) Elizabethan Age Famous Playwright? 3) Printing Press Johann Gutenberg in 1455 How did this change society?
SPREAD Cont. 4) Exploration 5) Reformation 6) Scientific developments NewtonKepler CopernicusGalileo 7) Other developments Chimneys, kitchen stoves, firearms, heels, pockets, 60 minute clock, eyeglasses, wallpaper, watch, microscope
Never a true end to the Renaissance