Introduction Founded in 1956 by ministries of Industry & Finance in co- operation with Ford Foundation. Objective: To undertake survey-assisted research into problems in applied economics, both for public & private sectors on themes that directly relevant to formulation of plans, particularly at regional level. Primarily does large-scale sample survey on income and other development related indicators including various consumer products
Health Surveys conducted by NCAER Survey on health care along with ‘Market information Survey on Households (MISH) - First survey: Second survey: 1993 Human Development Profile of India (HDPI) - First Survey: Second Survey: 2004 – 05 Socio-economic impact of HIV/AIDS (2004) Research on various aspects of workforce management and rational use of infrastructure in health sector Several small scale surveys; e.g. Morbidity pattern, health care utilization and health expenditure pattern of urban poor
Survey on health care, 1990 First Survey on health care in 1990 focused on: - Type of illness suffered by household member - Source of treatment - Type of medical care sought - Cost of medical care by household
Survey on health care, 1993 Second round of the survey in 1993 added several new features. - Health expenditure in greater details - Socio-economic characteristics of the households and its relation with morbidity pattern and health expenditure - Distance travelled to seek treatment - Data on illness episode requiring hospitalization collected separately
Survey on health care: methodology and sample design All India survey of the household covering both urban & rural area ( 21 states & union territories) First round of survey: In rural area - used a stratified sample design district ( 2-5 villages) with probability proportional to population of village (1981) villages ( 269,000 household listed) using simple random sampling In urban: cities ( first stage sampling unit) - 1,873 blocks (228,000 household listed) Second round of survey: - 18,693 household (2,339- urban & rural)
Human Development Profile of India, 1994 In 1994 conducted a multifaceted empirical study Human development profile of India-I (HDPI-I) Study rich source of data on various aspect of health Collect information on prevalence of a short term and major morbidity, treatment seeking and expenditure pattern Collect data on maternal & child health services
Human Development Profile of India, Underlying idea to carry forward the work begun in the previous survey and understand human development through survey research Main objective: - resurvey the HDPI-I - for comparison and account change over last ten year in the indicator of human development - provide continuity & sustainability to building framework for understanding & developing policy tools
Health Development Profile of India-I: methodology and sample design 16 states & union territories - stratified three stage sample design - household listed ( religion, caste, household size, source of income, cultivable land operated where major source of income is cultivation) - 33,230 household (1,765 villages ) - 2,500 household ( 16 urban centers)
Health Development Profile of India-II: methodology and sample design 19 major states & union territories Rural: - 14,181 household resurveyed rural area - 3,787 household rural refresher (old villages) - 8,935 household rural refresher (new villages) Urban: - 14,580 household from urban area
HDPI-I HDPI-II thee structured questionnaire - part-I: socio-economic & educational profile - part-II: health profile of household - part-III: village schedule ( information on infrastructure ) Five structured questionnaire - household questionnaire - village questionnaire - education questionnaire - primary school questionnaire - medical facility questionnaire Survey instrument used for HDPI
HDPI-I & II survey training of investigator In every state, local institutions entrusted with task of collecting data HDPI-I: 150 supervisor & 600 investigators trained for collection & compiling of data HDPI-II: - nine training centers to train field invest. - classroom lecture, pre-testing in field (for 10 d) invest. & supervisor - for selection of coordinating agencies, workshop in Delhi, Bangalore & Kolkata
Socio-economic impact of HIV/AIDS conducted in Objective: - to understand the nature & type of economic impact of HIV /AIDS on household - assessed net economic impact of HIV/AIDS on states & national level economic performance
Survey on ‘Health problems of urban poor ’ Conducted in two cities: Chennai & Delhi Study focuses on - to examine the morbidity patterns - health care utilization - expenditure pattern of urban poor - information on health problem urban poor - access to treatment & type of treatment sought - public vers. private care - gender differences in health seeking behavior
Poverty head count ratio (HCR) by state in rural India, & : NSSO (CES) & NCAER (HDPI-I & II) states NSS NSS NCAER NCAER HCR Andhra Pradesh Assam Bihar Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Orissa Punjab Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Uttar Pradesh West Bengal Total