Case study for Germany „Qualification offensive Hessen“ – Olov „Optimierung der lokalen Vermittlungsarbeit bei der Schaffung und Besetzung von Ausbildungsplätzen in Hessen“ "There is only one thing which is more expensive in the long run of education : no education." (John F. Kennedy) Sog Yee Mok University of Bundeswehr München
Dual system - apprenticeship School and apprenticeship as training-on-the job (Ausbildung)
Aim of the Project „Qualification offensive Hessen“ Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) have a continuous change in requirements for employees Local employment of apprenticeship trainees Offering opportunities of vocational trainings/ apprenticeships for all young people who are compliant and capable
General Quality Standards of „Olov“ Nomiation of regional coordinators Nomination of contact persons regarding occupational orientation in public education authority Steering comitee meetings by regional actors
Quality standards with regard to the content of „Olov“ Occupational orientation by enhancing the apprenticeship maturity (OO) Aquisition of apprenticeship and internship positions (AAI) Matching and placement (MP)
Effectiveness How effective is Olov in tackling the problem at hand? The project had a high successful placement of nearly apprenticeships for young people Overall support by school coordinators, teachers, and matching adviser
Relevance A lot of young people did not get an apprenticeship Investment in the future Investment in education The dual system (school/apprenticeship) is the best foundation for a practical- oriented education Unemployment rates of 5,4% in Hessen (Bundesagentur für Arbeit., Dec. 2011) 2010/2011 Registered applicants for training places Reported apprenticeship training places /2010 Registered applicants for training places Reported apprenticeship training places
Sustainability Is the proposed practice sustainable over a long period? The project started on and ended on The duration of the project was extended to Reducing long-term unemployment of young people What are critical factors for sustainability in the long- term? Follow-up measures: Further collaboration
Synergies What are the synergies with other stakeholders? Collaboration and between pupils, schools, and local companies Creating networks Training activities of larger companies in Hesse are planned Motivation for companies: simplifying the recruitment process for internships Opportunities for pupils
Transferability What are the potentials of Olov to be transferred to other socio-economic or cultural contexts? More young people were supported in the apprenticeship process by career choice support measures in schools established their occupational competencies finding a apprenticeship/ internship Implementation of overall approach of OLOV in other states Potential of the strategies as best practices for other groups (e.g. lower-skilled employees or single parents)
Example „Berufsfahrplan“ (occupation timetable) Learning regions Main-Kinzig&Spessart
5 steps of career choice: Being attentive Selectively exploring Correctly assessing Well preparing Actively applying
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