Namaste Presentation by GSE Team Leader Deepak Agrawal RI Dist.3060 India Home Club - RC of Rajkot Midtown Thank you president, Good evening dignitaries on the dais & off the dais.let me begin the presentation with our traditional greetings Namaste.
From the Land of Mahatma Gandhi & Mother Teresa This two great personalities of my nation who have believed in service above self Serve till it hurts
29 RI Districts in India Zone 5 Gujarat is divided into Two RI District- 3050 & 3060 We are from RI Dist 3060 We have 29 RI districts
India - Gujarat Lies in the western part of India Population 50 Million Capital is Gandhinagar Longest coastline 1644 km We are from the state of Gujarat
Greetings from Dist.3060 TRF Trustee Kalyan Banerjee Warm greetings from my District dignitaries DG.Dr.Ashok & Usha GSE Chair Ashok Panjwani
Statistics of District 3060 74 clubs 2740 members 44 Interact 51 Rotaract 62 RCC GML 3060 Express We are also active in membership development
Wide spectrum of services Rotary is very vibrant in all four avenues of services
Five 3H Projects Rotary Midtown Dam Kamnath water project Sewerage & water project Eye Hospital- Navsari Rotary Midtown Township MY Home Club Rajkot Midtown only club in the world to receive two 3 h grants
3H- Project Rotary Midtown Dam 1.2 mile long Dam Most efficient project which has paid back its total value in one single year Water to 100000 Slum dwellers
Community Service Projects We have also built hospitals, colleges & innumerable other mega projects. Though what we do is like adding a drop in the ocean; community service is foremost in our hearts
Rotary Midtown Dolls Museum Participation from 557 clubs of 290 RI Dist of 93 countries Biggest project Participation initiated by single club World understanding & peace through respect of culture & global brotherhood Soon it will be in Guinness Book of world record
You are in our heart You were in our hearts much before we meet, Thanks to your generous Donations Conway valley-Wales West Derby - Liverpool Hawarden & District- Wales
RFE with Dist.9790 Australia Many International exchanges we had this year, and RI President Glen Estess visited us on 8th dec, 2004
DG.Colin James & late Garry Powell I pay homage to late Rtn.Garry Powell who we had a pleasure to host Colin James & Garry. All thanks to Colin & Garry for sponsoring polio surgeries in my club in 2002.
Earthquake Rehabilitation 900 School Rooms 1200 houses School furniture & supplies Constructed New Hospitals Supported by 5 Million US$ Total rehabilitation Rotarians of my district have worked in tandem for rehabilitation task
Nani Matli Project & Rotary Nagar 173 houses Rotary Society- we are thankful to RIBI for their support
Metoda Township Earthquake. Rehabilitation Metoda Township Earthquake Rehabilitation. - 3H project of R C Rajkot MT 175 houses Complete township project with school, hospital, roads, water recharging facilities
Thank You Complete township project with school, hospital, roads, water recharging facilities Lotus