Thriving communities, affordable homes South East London Housing Partnership HCA apprenticeships & skills activities Liz Cowie 28/07/2010
Thriving communities, affordable homes Why is the HCA committed to promoting apprenticeships and employment and training initiatives? Government commitment to maximising employment opportunities Important in current economic climate – rising unemployment HCA outcomes are about thriving communities; building capacity and capability in communities is key to this Creating an employment and skills dividend
Thriving communities, affordable homes HCA’s Employment and Skills outputs Output heading HCA core output Sub-outputs contributing to core output Apprenticeships (NAS-approved) -Created -Safeguarded Employment Initiatives -Progression into employment (unemployed less than 6 months) -Progression into employment (unemployed more than 6 months) Training Initiatives -New entrants -Existing workforce -Skills culture -School/college/university visits or School/college workshops or Work experience or Work experience 16+ -Vocational qualifications or CSCS skills cards -Short courses
Thriving communities, affordable homes HCA London’s regional Employment and Skills targets For the 08/11 period, the HCA nationally has been given the target of delivering 2,800 apprenticeships and training initiatives through NAHP and other housing pledge-funded projects Based on baseline data from across various programmes, the London apprenticeship-specific targets are to deliver 403 newly created or safeguarded apprenticeships. To date, 21 have been delivered
Thriving communities, affordable homes E&S Monitoring forms for NAHP-funded schemes Discussed and agreed at AHPB Single region proforma –NAHP: for RPs who only work in one region –LANB Multi region proforma –NAHP: for RPs who work in two or more regions
Thriving communities, affordable homes Single region proforma For NAHP: Name, method statement, forecast apprenticeship numbers inserted by E&S team from Oct ’09 proforma Regional staff fill in SOY allocation The RP fills in the site details and outputs For LANB: Regional staff fill out name, site details, approved allocation LAs fill in outputs Any comments or points to note are filled in per quarter
Thriving communities, affordable homes Multi-region - Summary sheet Name, method statement, forecast apprenticeship numbers inserted by E&S team from Oct ’09 proforma Mark the regions the RP works in and will be reporting on (delete “X’s” where not applicable) The ‘Achieved’ outputs on the Summary sheet are populated by a formula already inserted.
Thriving communities, affordable homes Multi-region proforma Region specific reporting The partner fills in site details and outputs for each of the regions they work in Any comments or points to note are filled in per quarter Tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet are ignored for regions they do not work in
Thriving communities, affordable homes Return dates PeriodReturn Date Q1 1 April to 30 June14 July Q2 1 July to 30 September7 October Q3 1 October to 31 December7 January Q4 1 January to 31 March7 April Return dates for ES monitoring forms are:
Thriving communities, affordable homes Q1 Feedback from RPs There is a widespread existing commitment, by most RPs, to the creation of Employment and Skills opportunities at the local level A number of London RPs refer to the Notting Hill Housing’s Construction Training Initiative (CTI) in West London The cost implication of Employment and Skills, especially apprenticeships, requirements needs to be considered There are some significant difficulties in monitoring through the supply chain Employment and Skills returns were required at too short notice for Q1 reporting on NAHP-linked outputs
Thriving communities, affordable homes Next steps Most RPs are starting to consult and create framework agreements for the creation and/or procurement of streamlined Employment and Skills opportunities Many RPs are starting to introduce streamlined systems for monitoring Employment and Skills outputs on each contract on a monthly or quarterly basis Some RPs are starting their own apprenticeship sponsorship schemes
Thriving communities, affordable homes Issues for HCA Advice is needed on the monitoring and evaluation of the apprenticeship and training profile and matrices Best practice should be shared more widely: understand what other RPs have done, strategy and policy for implementation, procedures to be applied through the supply chain, etc.
Thriving communities, affordable homes