S3 Course Choice Information Evening Tuesday 3 February 2015 Welcome
Curriculum for Excellence A complete educational experience from age 3 to age 18 Broad General Education phase lasts until the end of S3 Senior Phase, with qualifications, runs from S4 until S6
Four Capacities successful learners confident individuals responsible citizens effective contributors (with particular focus on developing attributes and capabilities for each capacity)
Four Contexts for Learning Planned learning experience from 3 – 18: Curriculum areas and subjects Interdisciplinary learning Ethos and life of the school Opportunities for personal achievement
Curriculum Levels Early – pre-school to P1 First – P2 until end of P4 Second – P5 until end of P7 Third and Fourth – S1 to S3 (NB Fourth Level aligns with National 4 qualifications) Senior Phase – S4 to S6
Curriculum Areas language (and literacy) mathematics (and numeracy) religious and moral education health and wellbeing expressive arts technologies sciences social studies
Progression into S3 in June 2014 Broad and balanced curriculum, covering all curriculum areas Increased personalisation and choice Emphasis on level 4 experiences and outcomes
The Senior Phase Senior Phase covers S4 to S6 All pupils will leave with a portfolio of qualifications at their exit point from school, whether that be at the end of S4, S5 or S6 We aim for all learners to achieve the most they can at the highest level they can, and will provide various pathways to enable them to do so
Senior Phase S4S5S6 National 3National 4National 5 National 4National 5Higher National 5HigherAdvanced Higher
Progression into S4 in June period week (each period lasts one hour) Pupils will continue to study the core subjects: English – 4 periods mathematics – 4 periods PE – 2 periods RME and PSE – 1 period per week on a rota This leaves 16 periods per week for pupils’ other chosen subjects
The remaining sixteen periods Follow a further 4 subjects for 4 periods per week each, from any curriculum area Courses will be at National 3, National 4 or National 5 level as appropriate Allows for the depth of study required – notional 160 hours per course
Progression into S5 in June courses, with 5 periods for each PLUS PSE with Guidance Teacher – five morning blocks in terms one and two Rota: PE/RME/health promotion/enterprise
Progression into S6 in June 2017 Up to 5 courses – National, Higher or Advanced Higher Volunteering in school or community Supporting younger pupils, e.g. as peer mentor, paired reader, in-class supporter Committees Extra-curricular activities
Progression beyond school exit point = a positive destination: Employment Apprenticeship College University