IFCOS (International Forum for Construction Occupational Standards) Standards of Competence & EQF A briefing on recent developments in Europe Nigel Lloyd
IFCOS (International Forum for Construction Occupational Standards) Context flexible working, international labour market EU: Lisbon Goals and Education & Training 2010 Single market for VET (Vocational Education & Training) Trends: Learning Outcomes, competences, transparency, quality assurance, zones of mutual trust Bologna process for higher education – 41 countries Copenhagen process for VET– 31 countries EQF (European Qualifications Framework) ECVET (European Credit Accumulation & Transfer System for VET)
IFCOS (International Forum for Construction Occupational Standards) Standards of Competence what a competent person does in their job competence = attitudes + skills + knowledge competence = doing job functions + managing self/job + coping with the unexpected analysis of job functions with industry practitioners flexibility, shared units, modularity outcome- & performance-oriented, not just knowledge evidence, not just a written exam ‘competence assurance’, not just qualifications progression pathways
IFCOS (International Forum for Construction Occupational Standards) Relationship of Knowledge, Skills and Competence Knowledge = facts, theories, principles, understanding Skills = the application of knowledge (therefore necessarily includes knowledge) Competence = the application of skills in an occupational context (therefore necessarily includes skill and therefore knowledge) competence skill knowledge
IFCOS (International Forum for Construction Occupational Standards) the conceptual set-up Standards as building blocks, shared units Performance Spec: performance criteria, range + Learning Spec: what knowledge & skills, how to learn + Assessment Spec: what evidence, how to assess levels key skills 2 varieties: academic/knowledge qualifications or full competence qualifications “advising organisations on the development of their professionals”
IFCOS (International Forum for Construction Occupational Standards) other applications IPD (Initial Professional Development): apprenticeship, professional qualifications Registration & Certification Schemes, laws CPD (Continuing Professional Development) work experience recruitment, selection, promotion career progression, career change labour market info “advising organisations on the development of their professionals”
IFCOS (International Forum for Construction Occupational Standards) The Bologna process: a framework for the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) The copenhagen process: a framework for vocational and professional education and training (VET) General education Mainly initial education Resources Programs Staffing Workload Years as building blocks University/academic Or higher education authorities approach Bachelor >> Master >> Doctorate professional education initial and continuing education learning outcomes lifelong learning informal and non formal learning distance learning competences as building blocks national and sectoral approach European Qualifications framework 8 reference levels Fulfilling the Lisbon objectives: towards the knowledge society
IFCOS (International Forum for Construction Occupational Standards)
EQF Level 1 EQF Level 2 EQF Level 3 EQF Level 4 EQF Level 5 EQF Level 6 EQF Level 7 EQF Level 8 Qualification Country A Country B
IFCOS (International Forum for Construction Occupational Standards) “ Learning outcomes are statements of what a learner is expected to know, understand and/or be able to do at the end of a period of learning ” (CEDEFOP) Competences Skills Each EQF Reference Level The Eight EQF Levels Knowledge
IFCOS (International Forum for Construction Occupational Standards) Focus on Learning Outcomes EQF Learning Outcomes Non-Formal Learning Formal Learning Informal Learning