Time Management Updated 06/2014
What is time management? Exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency, or productivity 2
"Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein." -- H. Jackson Brown 3
Techniques to Manage Time Use one calendar or system to plan and organize all items Plan ahead List tasks and appointments Create a schedule Prioritize Update daily 4
Planning Ahead Determine a task in advance and schedule it Ensure deadlines are met by scheduling tasks in advance of the deadline Review appointments and determine tasks necessary to be prepared 5
Tasks and Appointments TIME is the difference Appointments – time-specific Tasks – time-flexible – part of a “to do” list – Performed around appointments – Helpful to estimate time tasks will take 6
Prioritize Tasks Easy as A-B-C, Determine which days tasks should be completed Rank daily tasks by importance – A – Vital. Must be done today. – B – Important. Should be done today. – C – Optional. Can be done whenever. Determine an order – Number all A tasks starting with 1, then B, then C – Complete all A tasks first, in order 7
Update Daily Each task should be updated based on completion cycle: – Check mark – “I did it” Task completed – Circle – “I’m doing it” Task in progress – Arrow – “I’m going to do it” Task is reassigned to another day. Be sure re-schedule this task. – X – “I’m not going to do it” Task deleted – Circle with initial – “Mr. Jones will do this” Task delegated 8
Plan Your Plan Schedule one week, two, weeks, or a month at a time – Be consistent. If you plan by the month, then always plan by the month Organize your day – First 15 minutes of the day Review plan for the day – Last 15 minutes of the day Plan the next day 9
Signs of Wasting Time Messy desk and no files Can’t find things Missed appointments Always late Unprepared for teaching Tired Unable to concentrate Excessive personal conversations with co-workers 10
Time Management Tips Reduce clutter to reduce time spent searching Focus on one thing at a time Develop a filing system Touch everything only once – , paperwork, etc. Don’t procrastinate Plan everything – time, travel, purchases, lessons, evaluation 11
Complete Time Management Activity 12
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