ExplorersJeopardy ExplorersReasonsLandings Sponsors And Crew Vocabulary Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question Explorers I wanted to be different, so in 1492, I convinced the King and Queen of Spain to sponsor my westward voyage. I landed in the Bahamas and Cuba. I made three more voyages, always believing that I had reached the Indies.
$100 Answer Explorers Who is Christopher Columbus?
$200 Question Explorers I traveled across Asia with my father and my uncle. When I returned, a writer named Rusticello helped me to record my adventures in a book. This book inspired many other explorers.
$200 Answer Explorers Who is Marco Polo?
$300 Question Explorers While supposedly looking for the “Fountain of Youth,” I landed in present-day Florida and claimed it for Spain.
$300 Answer Explorers Who is Juan Ponce de Leon?
$400 Question Explorers I was sent by France to look for a Northwest Passage. Although I did not find it, I did claim land for France in present-day Canada.
$400 Answer Explorers Who is Jacques Cartier?
$500 Question Explorers I was curious about what Columbus had actually found, so I followed his route. I eventually realized that he had not found the Indies; he had found a New World! The New World was named in my honor.
$500 Answer Explorers Who is Amerigo Vespucci?
$100 Question Reasons This was the MAIN reason that Columbus sailed west from Europe.
$100 Answer Reasons What is to find a more direct route to Asia?
$200 Question Reasons This was the reason both Henry Hudson and Jacques Cartier explored the coast of North America.
$200 Answer Reasons What is to find the Northwest Passage?
$300 Question Reasons God, gold, glory, new lands, and trade routes.
$300 Answer Reasons What are five reasons explorers explored?
$400 Question Reasons This made it so we were able to sail farther and find new routes around the Americas.
$400 Answer Reasons What is new technology: The astrolabe, the compass, the chronometer, and maps?
$500 Question Reasons This is the “hook” Columbus used to get Queen Isabella to fund his voyage.
$500 Answer Reasons What is to spread Christianity (Catholicism)?
$100 Question Landings Ponce de Leon searched up and down the coast of this peninsula looking for the Fountain of Youth.
$100 Answer Landings What is Florida?
$200 Question Landings The Taino called this land Guanahaní. Columbus named it this when he claimed it for the King and Queen of Spain.
$200 Answer Landings What is San Salvador?
$300 Question Landings I realized that the land Columbus and others discovered was not Asia, but the New World. Because of this, they named it after me.
$300 Answer Landings What is America?
$400 Question Landings I claimed land in this country for France on my third voyage. I erected a giant cross, but told the natives that it was just a landmark for my next voyage back to this country.
$400 Answer Landings What is Canada?
$500 Question Landings Vasco Nunez de Balboa was the first to see this from the Americas.
$500 Answer Landings What is the Pacific Ocean?
$100 Question Sponsors and Crew This ruler wanted Jacques Cartier to establish a settlement in Canada for his country.
$100 Answer Sponsors and Crew Who is the King of France?
$200 Question Sponsors and Crew Columbus had to do this to calm the fears of his crew as they sailed across the Atlantic.
$200 Answer Sponsors and Crew What is lied to them about how far they were from Spain?
$300 Question Sponsors and Crew I was sent by English and Dutch companies to find the Northwest Passage. I claimed land in the New World for both countries, but never found a Northwest Passage. My crew turned against me and set me, my son, and several crew members adrift in a small boat. We were never heard from again.
$300 Answer Sponsors and Crew Who is Henry Hudson?
$400 Question Sponsors and Crew Amerigo Vespucci is an Italian, but he sailed under these two flags.
$400 Answer Sponsors and Crew What are Spain and Portugal?
$500 Question Sponsors and Crew This country sent John Cabot to try to find the Northwest Passage.
$500 Answer Sponsors and Crew Who is England?
$100 Question Vocabulary This is the exchange of goods and ideas between Europeans and Native Americans
$100 Answer Vocabulary What is the Columbian Exchange?
$200 Question Vocabulary He founded a school in Portugal to navigation.
$200 Answer Vocabulary Who is Prince Henry?
$300 Question Vocabulary This word refers to things having to do with the ocean.
$300 Answer Vocabulary What is maritime?
$400 Question Vocabulary If you give up something to get something else, it is said to be this.
$400 Answer Vocabulary What is opportunity cost?
$500 Question Vocabulary This group of people landed in the Americas 500 years before Columbus.
$500 Answer Vocabulary Who are the Vikings?
Final Jeopardy In 1513 Balboa and his party explored overland through dense rainforests in a west direction on this landform. On September 27 Vasco Nunez de Balboa was the first European to see the Pacific Ocean from a peak he had climbed alone. What is the name of the landform?
Final Jeopardy Answer What is the Isthmus of Panama?