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He posted his Theses on a now famous door.
He was the founder of a strict Christian theocracy.
He founded the Anglican Church.
He is credited with the rebuilding of St. Peters Basilica.
He is responsible for bringing the Protestant Reformation to Scotland.
His Law on Accelerating Motion was the first Universal law of science.
He believed angels pushed crystal spheres that carried the planets and stars around the earth.
This Polish Astronomer- Priest was the first to postulate the heliocentric theory.
His discovery of a comet traveling in an elliptical orbit shattered many traditional Christian beliefs about astronomy.
His groundbreaking work explained that planets move in elliptical patterns
This act outlawed Luther from the Holy Roman Empire.
This was the punishment of Savonarola for preaching too powerfully in Florence.
He wrote the “Praise of Folly”
This meeting was called to address the harsh criticisms levied against the Catholic Church during the Reformation.
To end his marriage, the King of England sought this from the Pope.
This is where Luther posted his 95 Theses.
Calvin established his theocracy here.
The Presbyterian Church became the predominant Protestant faith in this country.
Princes were permitted to convert to a Protestant faith in this country after a series of religious wars.
The laboratory where the comet was discovered sits underground on a small island off the coast of this country.
Newton arrived at a law of science that made sense of virtually every scientific discovery made during the scientific Revolution.
This group gained new powers with the founding of the Church of England.
This invention made the rapid spreading of ideas during the Reformation possible.
This law passed in 1534, made the powers of the Pope obsolete in England.
This book first published the notion of a heliocentric solar system.
Who is Luther?
Who is John Calvin?
Who is King Henry VIII?
Who is Pope Julius II?
Who is John Knox?
Who was Galileo?
Who was Aristotle?
Who was Copernicus?
Who was Brahe?
Who was Kepler?
What was the Edict of Worms?
What was excommunication and execution?
Who is Erasmus
What was the Council of Trent?
What was an annulment or divorce?
Where is Wittenberg?
Where is Geneva, Switzerland?
Where is Scotland?
Where is Germany?
Where is Denmark?
What is the law of Gravity?
What is Parliament?
What is Gutenberg’s Printing Press?
What is the Act of Supremacy?
What is On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres?
Final Jeopardy The 16 th Century
This event marks the first time that it became legal to become a Protestant on the Continent.
What is the Peace of Augsburg?