ReviewJeopardy Public Forum Research Logic Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Potpourri Argument Final Jeopardy.


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Presentation transcript:

ReviewJeopardy Public Forum Research Logic Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Potpourri Argument Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from Public Forum The maximum length of a constructive speech.

$100 Answer from Public Forum What is four minutes?

$200 Question from Public Forum A short sentence that is at the beginning of each contention or at the top of an evidence card.

$200 Answer from Public Forum What is a tagline?

$300 Question from Public Forum This provides choice in speaker position or sides in the debate.

$300 Answer from Public Forum What is the coin toss?

$400 Question from Public Forum A two minute speech designed to clarify the major issues or clash of the debate where new evidence may be included.

$400 Answer from Public Forum What is the summary speech?

$500 Question from Public Forum The 8 necessary (we are not debating the term) steps to prepare for a debate

$500 Answer from Public Forum What are- look up key terms in the resolution, begin background research through key word searches, create evidence cards, write claims, create a case, write argument blocks, questions, and practice?

$100 Question from Research “Bad” evidence that is simply stories that are used to prove a point but over generalizes the issue.

$100 Answer from Research What is anecdotal evidence?

$200 Question from Research Statistical evidence or quotes from publications are called this in an argument.

$200 Answer from Research What is data?

$300 Question from Research It is the additional information that one should provide when using evidence in a speech.

$300 Answer from Research What is provide the source, credentials, and establish the credibility of the information.

$400 Question from Research When using a paraphrase from a book, what two things must you provide in order to properly cite a source.

$400 Answer from Research The author’s name and title of the text. This should be paired with the credentials of the author.

$500 Question from Research These are the necessary information on an evidence card.

$500 Answer from Research What is tagline, author’s name, credentials, website/publication title (& online address if electronic), date published, date accessed online, quotes from the text.

$100 Question from logic The fallacy that argues that a single event caused another when the cause is really several events

$100 Answer from logic What is false cause fallacy?

$200 Question from logic The fallacy that argues that since one event preceded another event the first event must have caused the second event.

$200 Answer from logic What is a post hoc fallacy?

$300 Question from logic A fallacy in which an individual makes an assumption based on insufficient evidence without considering all of the variables.

$300 Answer from logic What is a hasty generalization?

$400 Question from logic A fallacy that is an irrelevant topic that is introduced into the topic to distract from the main issue. “I am pretty sure that evolution is not a very good explanation for human life. Anyway, I am pretty offended that anyone would suggest that I came from a monkey.”

$400 Answer from logic a weak argument or opposing view set up by a politician, debater, etc. so as to be able to attack it and gain an easy, showy victory

$500 Question from logic At the end of The Great Public Forum, Tom basically implies that Nick is too “small town” to understand the problems of him and Daisy.

$500 Answer from logic What is a straw man fallacy?

$100 Question from Argument A statement of fact in an argument

$100 Answer from Argument What is a claim?

$200 Question from Argument Argument that explains why the data supports the claim.

$200 Answer from Argument What is a warrant?

$300 Question from Argument The major effect or significance of something.

$300 Answer from Argument What is impact?

$400 Question from Argument The opposing argument to a claim.

$400 Answer from Argument What is a rebuttal or refutation?

$500 Question from Argument the misleading use of a term with more than one meaning or sense (by glossing over which meaning is intended at a particular time)

$500 Answer from Argument What is equivocation?

$100 Question from Potpourri “Are you aware…,” is the start of this type of fallacy.

$100 Answer from Potpourri What is a loaded question?

$200 Question from Potpourri The type of argument that says that if we don’t get control of terrorist groups like ISIS that we will soon be involved in a full nuclear war.

$200 Answer from Potpourri What is a slippery slope?

$300 Question from Potpourri The term for when an individual does not respond to an opponent’s argument.

$300 Answer from Potpourri What is a dropped argument?

$400 Question from Potpourri The last opportunity to bring up new arguments.

$400 Answer from Potpourri The second constructive speech or as a response to a question during cross fire.

$500 Question from Potpourri The means of weighing through impact calculus.

$500 Answer from Potpourri What is probability, magnitude, and time frame?

Final Jeopardy The best way to deal with an aggressive opponent during crossfire.

Final Jeopardy Answer Don’t get flustered. Be polite. Smile rather than stab them. Step forward. Answer their questions, then immediately ask questions.