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Absolutism Final Jeopardy English Absolutism French Absolutism Vocabulary Grab Bag 200 Russian Absolutism
French Absolutism 100 This absolute ruler, known as the “Sun King,” was known for his lavish lifestyle and belief in divine right…
French Absolutism 100 Who was Louis XIV?
French Absolutism 200 Created by Louis XIV, this monumental structure put the French in massive trouble…
French Absolutism 200 What is the Versailles Palace?
French Absolutism 300 Identify one way in which Louis XIV centralized his power…
French Absolutism 300 Moving the capital to Versailles Expanding the bureaucracy Supported divine right theory
French Absolutism 400 Louis XIV discriminated against this Protestant group by revoking the longstanding Edict of Nantes…
French Absolutism 400 Who were the Huguenots?
French Absolutism 500 Prior to Louis XIV’s reign, this religious figure ruled France and established the foundation for a strong absolute monarchy…
French Absolutism 500 Who was Bishop Jacques Bossuet?
Russian Absolutism 100 Ivan IV, more commonly known as this, earned his nickname by treating humans (and animals) in an appalling way…
Russian Absolutism 100 Who was Ivan the Terrible?
Russian Absolutism 200 After visiting Europe, Peter the Great returned to Russia and cut off the beards of Russian officials. The primary goal of his reign was to do this…
Russian Absolutism 200 What was to modernize Russia?
Russian Absolutism 300 In a monumental shake-up, Peter the Great moved the capital of Russia from Moscow to this newly created city…
Russian Absolutism 300 What is St. Petersburg?
Russian Absolutism 400 Peter the Great battled with this country in order to gain access to the Baltic Sea…
Russian Absolutism 400 What is Sweden?
Russian Absolutism 500 Identify three major achievements of Catherine the Great…
Russian Absolutism 500 Expanded the empire Gained sea ports Building/reforms
English Absolutism 100 The Puritan Revolution a.k.a the English Civil War was led by this military leader…
English Absolutism 100 Who is Oliver Cromwell?
English Absolutism 200 These two rulers were invited to lead England after the Commonwealth collapsed and the Restoration failed…
English Absolutism 200 Who was William and Mary?
English Absolutism 300 This legislative body worked together with the King to tax the people and make decisions…
English Absolutism 300 What is Parliament?
English Absolutism 400 The Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights were instrumental in England having this type of government…
English Absolutism 400 What is a limited monarchy?
English Absolutism 500 These two groups fought against each other in the English Civil War…
English Absolutism 500 Who were the Roundheads and the Cavaliers?
Grab Bag 100 This ruler controlled an empire that was dominated by the Islamic faith…
Grab Bag 100 Who is Suleiman the Magnificent?
Grab Bag 200 This ruler inherited the throne from his dad, and his policies led Spain to a Golden Age…
Grab Bag 200 Who is Philip II of Spain?
Grab Bag 300 A strong believer in divine right, Philip II used this religion to strengthen his power…
Grab Bag 300 What is Catholicism?
Grab Bag 400 The Spanish Empire employed these two policies to strengthen its empire and make more $$$$...
Grab Bag 400 What is Imperialism and Mercantilism?
Grab Bag 500 This ruler strengthened his empire by expanding his military, encouraging trade, and promoting religious tolerance…
Grab Bag 500 Who is Akbar the Great?
Vocabulary 100 This doctrine states that a monarch derives his or her power directly from God…
Vocabulary 100 What is divine right?
Vocabulary 200 Peter the Great. Or Ivan IV. Or Catherine the Great…
Vocabulary 200 What is a czar?
Vocabulary 300 This is a form of government where the monarch has the power to rule their land freely, with no laws or legally organized direct opposition in force…
Vocabulary 300 What is absolutism?
Vocabulary 400 This book put forth the argument that absolute monarchies are the best form of government…
Vocabulary 400 What is The Leviathan?
Vocabulary 500 This refers to the event that signified William and Mary seizing the English crown…
Vocabulary 500 What is The Glorious Revolution?
Final Jeopardy Teams, MAKE YOUR WAGER!!
Final Jeopardy “L’etat, c’est moi” is an infamous quote stated by Louis XIV of France. It pretty much sums up his ideas about his role in the French government. What does it mean?
Final Jeopardy What is “I am the state?”