Norwegian educational system
Level 1 Basic education (Mandatory) 10 years (1 th -10 th grade). 8 th to 10 th ”Lower secundary school”
Norwegian educational system Level 2 Voluntary Upper secondary School Preparation for studying (3 programs) 3 years in Gymnasium High School
Norwegian educational system Level 2 Voluntary Upper secondary School Vocational education (9 programs) 4 years 2 years at school + 2 years of practice
Norwegian educational system Level 3 Voluntary University 3 years of studying (Bachelor) 5 years of studying (Master) PhD++
After completing 10. grade you have the right to secondary education in your county the right to one of three education programs the right to the "run-off" (to start on a new vg1 the following year if you have selected the wrong program)
12 educational programs Sports Music, dance and drama Study specialisation (incl. IB) Building and construction technology Design and craftsmanship Electrical Subjects Health and life sciences Media and communication Agricultural subjects Restaurant and food processing Service and administrative divisions Technical and industrial production
General university admissions certification
In order to get admission to higher education the student must: complete and pass three years of secondary school from the education program for: Sports Music, dance and drama Study Specialisation Media and communication with study specialis. Vg3 Agriculture with study specialisation. Vg3
Vocational competence Vocational Competence you most often get by the combination of school and apprenticeship There are various ways to occupational competence. Vocational education and training leads to an occupation and to vocational competence with or without a trade or journeyman’s certificate. Choosing vocational education/training allows you to enter working life within 3–5 years or you may take further education, for instance at a tertiary vocational college. You also have the opportunity to tak the supplementary programme for general university admissions certification if you want to take further studies at a university college or university.
Vocational competence
Subjects in secondary education In primary education there is great emphasis on theoretical subjects(Norwegian, English, math, gymnastics, natural science, social science) + 2. foreign language. In the vocational preparatory education there is a great emphasis on program subjects (subjects that naturally belongs to the education programme), but also some common subjects(Do not have 2. foreign language).
Special admission Some studies require good knowledge in the sciences(mathematics, natural sciences/physics/chemistry). Civil engineering, physician, dentist, veterinary, etc. In order to be able to apply these studies you must have the major in the sciences in high school. The students should be good in math and science and select the study specialisation in high schools.
Vocational competence
Building on the basics from the vocational education you can achieve higher education entrance qualification You can get general qualifying for studies at university by completing and passing a third year after: – Completed and passed the vocational subjects – Achieved professional competence The third year you have 10 t Norwegian, 5 t history, 5 t Mathematics, 3 t Science, 2 t physical e. og 5 t selectable program subjects a week.