Social Studies 10 Exam Review JEOPARDY!
PeopleEgypt & Greece RomeMedieval Europe Renaissance & Reformation Final Jeopardy
People He was responsible for writing the 95 Theses. Back Who is Martin Luther?
People He was known for writing a code of severely harsh punishments. Back Who is Hammurabi?
People He painted this. Back Who is Leonardo da Vinci?
People He wrote an infamous book about how to gain and keep power by any means necessary. Back Who is Machiavelli?
People He discovered the palace of King Minos Back Who is Arthur Evans?
Egypt & Greece What is the title of the person at the top of the ancient Egyptian government? Back What is the pharaoh?
Egypt & Greece He lead the Greeks into the Battle of Thermoplyae. Back Who is Leonidas?
Egypt & Greece This is the Greek war that contained the battles of Marathon, Salamis and Thermoplyae. Back What is the Persian War?
Egypt & Greece He is known for running all the way to Sparta to warn everyone about the battle of Marathon. Back Who is Pheidippides?
Egypt & Greece He is the Egyptian god of death. Back Who is Osiris?
Rome He is the emperor responsible for splitting the Empire in half. Back Who is Diocletian?
Rome He is famous for leading his troops – and their elephants – through the Alps, in an attempt to conquer Rome. Back Who is Hannibal?
Rome This is the formation of soldiers used by the Roman army. Back What is a cohort?
Rome After the Empire was split, this was the title given to the leader of each half. Back What is Augustus?
Rome They are the two brothers from the Roman foundation myth. Back Who are Romulus and Remus?
Medieval Europe Knights obeyed this code in all aspects of their lives. Back What is the Code of Chivalry?
Medieval Europe The French martyr who claimed to hear the voice of God. Back Who is Joan of Arc?
Medieval Europe This position in the Feudal System is known for falling in love so hard, it makes them sick. Back What is the knight?
Medieval Europe He is responsible for writing The Canterbury Tales. Back Who is Geoffrey Chaucer?
Medieval Europe This was the accepted cause for the Black Death (at that time). Back What is punishment from God?
Renaissance & Reformation This was the name of the pardon for sins, which could be bought from the Catholic Church. Back What is an indulgence?
Renaissance & Reformation It was the birthplace of the Renaissance. Back What is Florence?
Renaissance & Reformation He is credited with mastering the printing press. Back Who is Gutenberg?
Renaissance & Reformation He sold indulgences to pay for St. Peter’s in Rome. Back Who is John Tetzel?
Renaissance & Reformation They were the wealthiest family in 15 th -century Florence. Back Who was the Medici family?
Final Jeopardy Make you wagers NOW!
Final Jeopardy 0 While he was at the home of Fredrick II in Wittenberg, Martin Luther spent his time doing this. What is translating the Bible into German?