Buddhism By: Tanner
What is Buddhism? Buddhism is a major world religion, or in a better sense, philosophy. It is the 4 th largest religion of the world, and has about 300,000,000 people living by it. It explains the purpose of life, injustices and inequality around the world. It also helps people by providing a way of life that will lead to true happiness.
The History of Buddhism Gautam Buddha - The Originator of Buddhism The word 'Buddha' is a title and not a name in itself. It means 'one who is awake' (in the sense of having 'woken up to reality'). The title was given to Siddhartha Gautama, who was born in Lumbini (Nepal), approximately 2,500 years ago. He did not claim to be a God and he has never been regarded as such by Buddhists. He was a human being who became Enlightened, understanding life in the deepest way possible. Siddhartha was born into the royal family of a small kingdom, on the Indian-Nepalese border. According to the traditional story, he had a cloistered upbringing, but was jolted out of complacency when he encountered the harsh realities of life, such as old age, sickness and death. He left His home in search of the real meaning of life. He practiced meditation under various teachers and then took to asceticism. The rigorous asceticism that He followed virtually led Him to the verge of death. But, true understanding seemed as far away to Him as ever and eventually, He abandoned this path. He sat down beneath a pipal tree and vowed that "flesh may wither, blood may dry up, but I shall not rise from this spot until Enlightenment has been won". After forty days, the Buddha finally attained Enlightenment. Buddhism teaches the Middle Way is a life lived between the extremes of self-denial and self-indulgence.
What Did Buddha Teach? He taught the 4 Noble truths which sum up Buddhism religion He also taught the noble eight fold path He taught to lead a moral life, be mindful and aware of thoughts and actions and to develop wisdom and understanding He also taught the 5 precepts
What are the Four Noble Truths? The first was that life is suffering You can’t live without death, frustration, etc. The second is that suffering is caused by craving and aversion Getting what you want doesn’t guarantee happiness, it deprives you of it The third is that suffering can be overcome, and true happiness attained If we stop craving useless things, and live each day at a time (not living in the future) we will be happy and free. The fourth is that the Noble eight fold path leads to the end of all suffering
The Noble Eightfold Path It taught 8 simple rules: To have a right understanding To have right thoughts To use right speech To do right actions To deal with right livelihood To give a right effort To have a right mindfulness To use the right meditation
The 5 precepts Do not take the life of anything living Do not take anything not freely given Abstain from overindulgence Refrain from untrue speech Avoid intoxication (Do not lose mindfulness) This is the moral code of the Buddhists