Detoxification and Health
Is falling ILL all that bad? - physiological alarm Illness and Wellness Wellness~ Balance of Yin & Yang ~ Long-term dynamic Balance between Pathogen and Immunity Being WELL always put you on the top of the world? - illness often is preceded by wellness
What is Pathogen? Generally speaking, Toxins. ~Includes: Tangible -- bacteria, viruses, chemicals, metabolic wastes and all other substances occurring at the wrong time or at the wrong place. Intangible -- negative mindsets, down spirit, bad emotions, mis-information etc
Wellness = Pathogen vs Immunity Two Strategies to Achieve Wellness: Pathogen reduction (Detox) Immunity Boost Toxin Immunity
Occurrence of Toxins: Everywhere Detox machineries: Colon, Liver, Kidneys, Lungs, Skin etc
Methods of Detoxification: Dietary Approach : -- Limited Food Intake (fruit detox), Fasting (juice detox), Starvation (water detox) ** to allow organs to rest, hence to switch into“Detox mode”
Mechanical Approach : -- colonic irrigation, massage, skin scrubbing, sauna, spa ** to speed up detoxification process Medicinal Approach : -- Herbs, Activated Carbon, Herbal Bath ** to stimulate and to guide organs on timely release of toxins; to neutralise toxins for smoother detox experience
Preparation and Post-treatment being critical for the success of Detox (1) Healthful Diet as Foundation (12 cups of water, 50% whole grains 、 25% Veggies, 15% Fruits 、 10% Legumes/Nuts&Seeds) ** to reduce influx of exogenous toxins; backing up energy for Detox.
(2) Quality and High Bio-availability Nutrients ** to reinforce detox process (3) QiGong, Meditation, Yoga ** to relief side symptoms of detox (healing crisis)
Simple Detox Plan (Weekend Detox) Friday: Vegan Congee for Dinner Saturday: Fruits, Fruit Juice & Lemon Saline throughout the day Sunday: Fruits, Fruit Juice & Lemon Saline for Breakfast and Lunch; Vegan Congee for Dinner
Whole Grains: Fruits : Vegutables : Legumes: Nuts/Seeds: Water Detox Organic Living