The Right Product of the world’s most nutritious fruits including: The Crown Jewel of the Amazon rain forest, the Acai (ah-sigh-ee) berry, pomegranate, nashi pear, acerola, prune, kiwi, blueberry, bilberry, camu camu, wolfberry, & more 2. High levels of antioxidants and phytonutrients 30 times those of red wine 3. Suggested - 4 ounces = 13 servings of fruits 4. Patented freeze dried process 5. Glucosamine and estrified fatty acids 6. Vitamin in juice form – absorbs quickly 7. High ORAC values - Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity 8. The right balance, variety and moderation
The Right Timing/Benefits 90 million baby boomers are reaching retirement and looking to spend money on anti-aging products. 1.More energy 2. Better focus/clarity 3.Better sleep 4. Relief from everyday aches and pains 5.Helps body stay healthy
Cost Comparison 1. What are you willing to pay or give up for better health? How much does Quality of Life mean to you? Average American spends: $5/day at Starbucks $5/day at McDonald’s/fast food $3/day on Red Bull $7/day on Smoothie $2/day on Bottled Water Focus on inside of our body, then outside 2. $4/day for Mona Vie could result in BETTER HEALTH and possibly, BETTER WEALTH!
The Right Opportunity 1. Launched in January Paid weekly on a Mona Vie debit card 3. Product sells itself 4. Cost is $39 to start and own your own Independent Business. 5. Great training and information available 6. Supportive up-line 7. One of the most lucrative compensation plans** The Right Cause The M.O.R.E. Project - MonaVie’s Operation Rescue!
Compensation Plan Getting Started - Seven Ways to Earn 1. Starter Kit - $39 Independent Distributor kit/virtual office 2. Place initial order - 1 or more cases (1 case = 100 PV Active*2) 3. Enroll in Auto-Ship*3 (2 Cases = 200 PV) minimum required for all bonuses. 4. Become a STAR*2 - Qualified*4 5. Become a STAR Maker*5 *1 - You are not required to purchase product to become a distributor. See MonaVie Compensation Plan for full details. *2 - Active: must generate a minimum of 100 PV every 28 days; Qualified: must have at least one personally sponsored and Active distributor on both your left and right legs. *3 - Auto-Ship is not required but is a great way to remain Active. *4 - Becoming a STAR requires being Active and Qualified – enrolling 2 Active distributors. *5 - Qualified Distributors with at least 200 PV may participate in the STAR Maker Bonus.
First Order Bonus
Bulk Order Bonus Bonus on personally sponsored bulk orders 3 Cases = $25 6 Cases = $50 Must have 200 PV
STAR Makers Bonus
Team Commission
Income Disclosure Statement Cases WeeklyAnnualized Average (52 weeks x weekly average 2007) Star 5005$4,350 Star $9,415 Bronze20$18,804 Silver30$29,303 Gold50$52,666 Ruby100$96,667 Emerald150$147,741 Diamond200$188,498 Blue Diamond250$496,877 Paid weekly on a VISA check card Every Friday is a FUN FRIDAY!! 20/20 Vision Personally Sponsored Distributors must be personally active and qualified to advance in any rank.
Income Disclosure Statement The Income Disclosure Statement is a reflection of MonaVie’s rewarding business opportunity. The following chart represents the average earnings of MonaVie Distributors—from Star to Imperial Black Diamond—and provides high, low, and average weekly income information, as well as annualized averages.
Income Disclaimer The income statistics are for all MonaVie Distributors who were paid commissions during the period January 1 to July 31, 2007, at the above ranks. A “Distributor” is defined as any person who: (1) executed a MonaVie Distributor Application and Agreement; (2) has sponsored at least one person; (3) has received at least one non-retail commission check; and (4) has been active in any of the eight weeks preceding the commissions period (“active” is defined in the MonaVie Compensation Plan as having generated 100 PV (Personal Volume) in a four-week period). Note that this excludes retail customers, preferred customers, retailers (those who have received a retail bonus only), pre-enrollees, distributors who did not renew, and customers, retailers, or distributors whose relationships with MonaVie were revoked. An individual who has executed a MonaVie Independent Distributor Application and Agreement, but has not fulfilled the four criteria enumerated above is not a Distributor. That person is simply a customer. If, and only when, all four criteria are satisfied does that person become a distributor. Accordingly, the status of an individual can, and sometimes does, change throughout the course of a year. For example, Mary enrolls as a Customer in February. In April, she qualifies to become a Distributor and maintains her qualification through May. In June she is inactive, and therefore, her status is that of a Customer. In July, she begins retailing products to a few customers, and thus, becomes a Retailer (but not a Distributor). In August, she again qualifies as a Distributor but fails to remain qualified for the remainder of the year. For the purposes of this Income Disclosure Statement, Mary will only be considered a Distributor during the months of April, May, and August. The average annualized income for all Distributors in 2007 was $4, In 2007, % of our distributors earned less than $ (annualized). The earnings of the Distributors listed are not necessarily representative of the income, if any, that a MonaVie Distributor can or will earn through his or her participation in the MonaVie Compensation Plan. These figures should not be considered as guarantees or projections of your actual earnings or profits. Any representation or guarantee of earnings would be misleading. Success with MonaVie results only from successful sales efforts, which require hard work, diligence, and leadership. Your success will depend upon how effectively you exercise these qualities.
The Placement Program 1. Enroll now, learn as you grow your Independent Business 2. Make a list 3. Set a goal 4. Make a commitment 5. Research the product and the plan 6. Have a tasting 7. Share MonaVie with everyone you know 8. Exceed your goals and live your dreams!!
Additional Resources For all your MonaVie needs