Bottled Water Resources
Water Prices 1 litre of bottled water up to $ litre of Toronto tap water = $ Therefore 1 L of BW = 2142 L of TW 2000 x the cost! WOW!!!!
Stack of Water Bottles This stack of bottled water: Contains approximately 24,192 bottles, each containing 500 ml of water A total of 12,096 L of water in kg of plastic! Purchase price of $4.99 per 24-bottle pack = $0.42 per L Total retail value of water in this stack: $ To purchase the same volume of water in bulk through Toronto’s domestic water supply would cost $16.93
8 Reasons for NOT using Bottled Water 1.Water quality is NO better than city tap-water 2.Regulation of the bottle water industry is lax: testing is minimal 3.Water companies typically pay a very low price for the water they use 4.Sustainability of the rates of groundwater extraction 5.Are contaminants in some bottled waters (plastic) 6.Bottled water is not fluoridated, leading to a renewed increases in dental problems, especially in children 7.Plastic bottle represents a wasteful use of petrochemical feedstocks (chemicals used to form plastic bottles) 8.Bottles represent major problem of waste disposal