By Taylor Reneau | ENG110 C1| Dr. Kimberly Wine Home About Me Project Description Objective Writing Process “Good Writing” Challenges What I Learned
My name is Taylor and I am 19 years old. I am a first year media arts and entertainment major with a minor in journalism. I am from Siler City, NC and I commute to Elon from there. I plan to go into music production after college. I like going to concerts, acting, spending time with my friends and family, and going bowling. Home
The main goal of this project was to analyze a scholarly article based on the rhetorical elements the author used to get his or her point across to the reader. It required analysis of how the writer wrote the article and not the actual claims of the article itself. The assignment’s main purpose was to provide understanding of the basic structure and logic of a scholarly article. Home
While working through this project, I was able to best meet the second objective, especially in terms of gaining a better understanding of the relationships of purpose, audience, and voice in terms of scholarly writing. Being that the main goal of the assignment was to critically analyze the rhetorical elements of a scholarly article, purpose, audience, and voice were very important factors that influenced the writing process. This paper better helped me to understand how the purpose can be used to determine the audience and how the writer’s purpose influences what kind of audience will read it. The assignment also gave me a better grasp on how the writer’s intended target audience is a large factor in determining the purpose of the article. Home
Article Choice 1 Note Taking 2 Drafting 3 Peer and Professor Review 4 Revising/Editing 5 Final Paper 6
This project contains a strong introduction that I worked on for several days before I got it exactly right, and I think that having an introduction that draws people in is one of the most important aspects of a paper. The critical summary is also a very strong point as well as the thesis points. I feel that I made them very clear, which is crucial because the thesis points are what develop the paper as a whole. In addition, the paper went through several revisions, and the more editing that is done to a paper, the stronger the paper ends up being in the end. The conclusion ends on a strong note as well, which is very important because it shows the reader why they read the paper in the first place. Home
The initial challenge I faced when writing this paper was that I was working several hours and it did not leave a sufficient amount of time for me to produce a quality paper. When this was set aside, challenges began to subside. One of the most difficult parts was grasping how to begin the introduction in a way that would catch the reader’s attention right from the very start. I also had some trouble with the critical summary because this was the first time I had ever written one, so it took me a try or two to get it right. Home
The most important thing that this project taught me was how important revision and editing are in producing quality work. I also learned that the structure of a paper is very important in helping readers understand what is going on. I learned that there are many important elements that scholars use to make their writings more effective. They do not simply pile facts on paper without an intended purpose or audience. They also use different techniques, even in scholarly writing, which I previously did not realize. Overall, I learned how important it is to look for elements in other scholarly writings to better understand how to use them for my own benefits in papers I write myself. Home