English II March 18 – March 22
Daily Grammar Practice – Monday Notes Write out the sentence and identify parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc.) mahua enjoys flying kites so we bought her a new ball of string
Red Hot Root Words – Unit 6 Take one of the vocabulary worksheets from the front and review the words with prefixes ad-, re-, and se- with your partner. When you have finished please do the exercises on the back.
The Plot Against People Guide to Annotation – CLOSE Reading of The Plot Against People By Russell Baker Day #1 – Read over the article and make annotations (dialogue with the text) Day #2 – Write a one page summary and reflection of the article (make connections while showing knowledge)
Ticket Out In order to leave the classroom today, each student must share something their partner said during the “Say Something” activity. What you share must be meaningful and relevant or you will have to try again.
Daily Grammar Practice – Tuesday Notes Write out the sentence and identify it’s parts (subject, verb – transitive or intransitive, direct object, prepositional phrase, object of the preposition) mahua enjoys flying kites so we bought her a new ball of string
The Plot Against People Guide to Annotation – CLOSE Reading of The Plot Against People By Russell Baker Day #1 – Read over the article and make annotations (dialogue with the text) Day #2 – Write a one page summary and reflection of the article (make connections while showing knowledge) Day #3 – Answer 3 reading comprehension questions on page 537 of the big book.
The Plot Against People– Say Something! 1.With your partner, decide who will say something first. 2.When you say something, do one or more of the following: Identify an unfamiliar word Make a prediction Ask a question Make a connection Make a comment 3.If you cannot do one of the above, you need to re- read. 4.The other person responds to what was said.
The Plot Against People With a partner, please fill out the reading skill worksheet on recognizing classification that you can find up front. Put both of your names on it and turn it in when you are finished.
INDEPENDENT READING Please get the book that you selected for independent reading and read SILENTLY for the next 20 minutes. When I tell you that time is up, please fill out your worksheet (a summary or your thoughts on what you read – at least 5 sentences NOT copied from the book) and put it in your IR folder.
Daily Grammar Practice – Wednesday Notes Write out the sentence and identify the clauses and sentence type. mahua enjoys flying kites so we bought her a new ball of string
Vocabulary Practice Please fill out the part of speech worksheet (up front). Remember that some words will not have EVERY part of speech.
Daily Grammar Practice – Thursday Notes Write out the sentence and add punctuation and capitalization. mahua enjoys flying kites so we bought her a new ball of string
Vocabulary Practice – Word Study Choose two vocabulary words and use a dictionary to record information on the worksheet. Don’t forget that tomorrow is our quiz!
The Plot Against People Please take a worksheet from up front and complete the reading check. When you finish, check your answers with a partner!
Writing time! As Russell Baker points out, people rely on appliances, cars, tools, and other modern conveniences. First, prove that statement by making a list of the modern conveniences that they you in an average day. Next, write a short story about the day when all your modern conveniences went on strike. How did your life change for the day? What did you miss most? What was easiest to do without? What did you learn from the experience? Answer these questions as you write your stories. Your stories should include characters, setting, plot, and theme.
Ticket Out In order to leave the classroom today, each student must complete two post-its and put them on the poster by the door. One post it must include something you learned today. One must include something you are still confused about. Please note: nothing is NOT an acceptable answer!
Vocabulary Quiz time! Please take the next 10 minutes to review your vocabulary words for the quiz. Use this time wisely or it will be taken away!
Achieve 3000 Get yourself a laptop from the cart and work on You need to finish two articles before you leave today! Don’t forget about the contest – let’s win!