Incorporating Primary Literature into Science Learning Faculty Development Workshop October 8, 2012 Donna L. Pattison, PhD Instructional Professor Department of Biology & Biochemistry
1)Why should we incorporate primary literature into our classes? 2)What are the arguments for not doing so? For Discussion:
Why should we incorporate primary literature into our classes? What are the arguments for not doing so? 1.Illustrate how scientists communicate information. 2.Illustrate science as a process. 3.Increase critical thinking skills. 4.Improve analytical skills. 1.No time in class. 2.Articles are too difficult and technical. 3.It should be done in class x, y, or z so I don’t need to do it in mine.
What Goes Through a Student’s Mind When Handed a Research Article?
It’s too hard. What? Huh? I’ll highlight what’s important...which is…uhm….all of it?! I don’t know what half of these words mean… I can understand the data chart but what was the experiment? Only super smart geniuses can figure out this stuff. Good thing I’m going to medical school.
What are you doing in your classes?
1.Writing summaries/abstracts. 2.Guided questions on articles for cookbook and open- inquiry labs. 3.Background sections for lab reports. Literature search and “tell me why your article is appropriate”. 4.News articles on interesting topics (supplements). 5.Journal club format. 6.Discussing results that led to major contributions to the knowledge base. 7.Others?
retrieved 10/08/2012 Digestable Bites
Ways to Break the Skill Set Down So You Can Ramp Up to Full Articles 1.Data analysis: Figures only without the figure legends. Have students write the legends. Each group can have a different legend. 2.Omit the title of the journal article. Students write their own. 3.Omit the abstract of the article. Provide only the figures and tables. Have students write an abstract based on the figures. 4.Have students diagram the procedures in a flowchart and indicate expected results at each step. 5.Have students draw graphs and charts to explain the written description of the results. 6.Have students make their own lists of terms and acronyms from an article.
Reading a Journal Article 1)Read the title. Is it relevant? Yes, continue to step 2. 2)Read the abstract. Is it relevant? Yes, continue to step 3. 3)Read the introduction. Look for useful background information. Look at the citations. Maybe you want to go back to the primary literature? 4)Skim the figure legends. Your main points will be highlighted here. 5)Read through the results. 6)Read the discussion. 7)Review the materials and methods if you have any questions based on the text. 8)Turn the paper over. In your notes, summarize the main points in a list in your words. What you remember is most likely the most important aspects of the work. Tip: 1)While reading, highlight important summary statements but NOT entire paragraphs. 2)Make notes in the margins. If you see how a statement ties to another paper, make a note. If a future experiment they should do pops into mind, jot it down in the margin.
Define the Assignment You want your students to write a brief summary in the style of an abstract about a journal article you have assigned. 1) What directions will you give your students? 2) What will you include on the assignment sheet?
1.Gradually incorporate aspects of scientific literature rather than starting with an entire article. 2.Define unfamiliar terminology. 3.Design activities to develop analytical skills. 4.Help students draw connections. 5.Reinforce the relevance between the article and the course content. Summary Tips