Pack Leadership 1 Rev 9/16/12 Boy Scouts of America
The Cubmaster 2 Boy Scouts of America
Complete Youth Protection training and leader position-specific training. Attend monthly roundtables. Plan and help carry out the Cub Scout program in the pack—including leading the monthly pack meeting—according to BSA policies. With the pack committee, develop and execute a year-round recruitment plan for recruiting boys into Cub Scouting. Work on program ideas, selecting and recruiting adult leaders, and establishing a budget plan. Guide and support den leaders through their required training. The Cubmaster 3 Boy Scouts of America
Help the Cubmaster as needed. Be ready to fill in for the Cubmaster, if necessary. Complete Youth Protection training and position- specific Basic Leader Training. Attend monthly roundtables and participate in pack meetings. Supervise den chiefs and see that they are trained. Conduct the monthly den chief planning meeting for all den leaders, assistant den leaders, and den chiefs to plan and coordinate weekly den meetings and pack meeting participation. Along with the pack committee, develop and promote an ongoing plan for recruiting new boys. The Assistant Cubmaster 4 Boy Scouts of America
Pack committee Den leaders Chartered organization District and council, through – Commissioners – District Cub Scout roundtables – District committee – District executive – District training team Cubmaster Support 5 Boy Scouts of America
Working with the pack team Effective communications Understanding and working with boys Projecting Cub Scout spirit Showmanship as the pack’s “Master of Ceremonies” Leadership Skills 6 Boy Scouts of America
Leadership in a busy society All-volunteer force Encourage, don’t instruct. Gain consensus. Many hands make light work. Sometimes, things might not get done. Working With Adults 7 Boy Scouts of America
Keep the program lively. Find things they like. Have more than you need. Keep moving. Make parents responsible. Working With Boys 8 Boy Scouts of America
Have fun. Keep organized. Know what’s next. Smile. Have a positive attitude. It’s “Your” Pack 9 Boy Scouts of America
Tenure – Serve as a registered assistant Cubmaster for one year and a registered Cubmaster for two years, or serve as a registered Cubmaster for three years. Training – Complete basic training for Cubmasters and This Is Scouting training. – Attend a Cub Scout leader pow wow or University of Scouting, or at least four roundtables. Cubmaster’s Key 10 Boy Scouts of America Rev: 9/16/12
The Pack Committee 11 Boy Scouts of America
Oversees the development of the annual pack plan including: – Pack calendar – Pack budget – Pack leadership Selects leadership Provides program support Provides a safe meeting location Helps with charter renewal Supervises finances and equipment Works closely with the Cubmaster The Pack Committee 12 Boy Scouts of America
Member of Pack Committee Chartered organization representative X Pack committee chair and members and/or parent coordinator—three registered leaders required Pack trainerX Cubmaster and assistantX Den leaders and assistantsX Den chiefsX Pack Leaders 13 Boy Scouts of America
Chair Secretary Treasurer Advancement Public relations Outings Membership and re-registration Friends of Scouting Pack Committee Functions (Members) Some pack committees may not have all of these positions, but all of these functions are important! 14 Boy Scouts of America
Chartered organization District and council, through – Commissioners – District Cub Scout roundtables – District committee – District executive – District training team The Pack Committee Is Supported by the 15 Boy Scouts of America
Pack bylaws Bank account control Asset control Insurance Tour permits Adult recruitment and training Enforce two-deep leadership Pack Policies 16 Boy Scouts of America
The Pack Trainer 17 Boy Scouts of America
Conducting orientation of new families and pack leaders Encouraging new pack leaders to participate in online training and attend Cub Scout Leader Basic Training (this Cub Scout Leader Position-Specific Training course) Helping with Unit Leadership Enhancements during pack leaders’ and/or committee meetings How Pack Trainers Help 18 Boy Scouts of America
Conducting other training as designated by the district and/or council Encouraging pack leaders to attend ongoing training, such as roundtable, pow wow, BALOO, Outdoor Leader Skills for Webelos Leaders, and Wood Badge How Pack Trainers Help 19 Boy Scouts of America
Remaining current on training materials and program updates Keeping track of pack training records Encouraging Den Chiefs and Den Leaders to attend Den Chief Training How Pack Trainers Help 20 Boy Scouts of America
Immediately provide information and an orientation to new parents in the pack. Ease the transition to Scouting. Family orientation is covered in the Cub Scout Leader Book. New Parent Orientation 21 Boy Scouts of America
Youth Protection — immediately (online) – Also available through district or council – Can be delivered by pack trainer Position-Specific — as soon as possible Fast Start (online) —is recommended if there will be delays in other training Required Leader Training 22 Boy Scouts of America
BALOO—Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation Outdoor Leader Skills for Webelos Leaders Pow Wow and/or University of Scouting Roundtables Wood Badge Philmont Training Center opportunities Supplemental Leader Training 23 Boy Scouts of America
For Boy Scouts and Venturers who are filling a den chief leadership position Fast Start (online) provides immediate help when a Scout or Venturer is appointed Den chief conference provides: – Structure of den meeting – Games and activities – How den chiefs can help the den leader Den Chief Training 24 Boy Scouts of America
Monthly meeting Conducted by district commissioner staff. Program information Planning assistance Den and pack ideas For all leaders! Roundtable 25 Boy Scouts of America
Advanced leadership training Weeklong or two extended weekends Focuses on five leadership areas Skills that apply to home, work, and Scouting Wood Badge 26 Boy Scouts of America
Unit Inventory of Training Training Attendance Report Training Status Change Pack Training Records 27 Boy Scouts of America
The Cub Scout Leader’s Training Award may be earned by any Cub Scouter, as shown on the MCBSA website: /Training/Awards.aspx 28 Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Leader’s Training Award Rev: 9/16/12
The Den Leader 29 Boy Scouts of America
The Den Leader Gives leadership to den program planning Works with adult partners (Tiger Cubs) or an assistant and den chief Helps or makes sure that the boys advance Maintains den records Works with other pack leaders Participates in pack program planning Attends monthly roundtables Approves advancement (Webelos) 30 Boy Scouts of America
The Assistant Den Leader Provides support to the den leader Serves as a backup leader Attends pack meetings Assists in program planning It’s wise to have several assistants! 31 Boy Scouts of America
32 Boy Scouts of America The Den Leader Training Award may be earned by any Den Leader, as shown on the MCBSA website: /Training/Awards.aspx Den Leader Training Award Rev: 9/16/12
Review and Questions 33 Boy Scouts of America