2 Learning Outcomes Benefits of classifying personality traits. Big Five personality dimensions. Universality traits of effective leaders. Trait of dominance. Achievement Motivation Theory and Leader Profile. Theory X, Theory Y, Pygmalion Effect. Four leadership styles and attitude. Three levels of moral development. Stakeholder approach to ethics.
TRAITS Distinguishing personal characteristics,feature, quality,attribute PERSONALITY Personality: A combination of traits/attributes that classifies an individual’s behavior
The great man approach "The history of the world is but the biography of great men“ "The history of the world is but the biography of great men“ Man shape history through both their personal attributes and divine inspiration Man shape history through both their personal attributes and divine inspiration
6 Big Five Model of Personality Surgency Adjustment Agreeableness Openness to experienceConscientiousness
7 Locus of Control Locus of Control Integrity High energy Flexibility Dominance Sensitivity to others Sensitivity to others Self-confident Intelligence 9 Traits of EffectiveLeaders Stability
TRAITS OF EFFECTIVE LEADERS 1.Dominance o Want to be in charge o Affects all other traits
TRAITS OF EFFECTIVE LEADERS 2.High Energy o Drive, hard work, stamina, persistence
TRAITS OF EFFECTIVE LEADERS 3.Self-confidence o Trust own judgments, decisions, ideas, capabilities
TRAITS OF EFFECTIVE LEADERS 4.Locus of Control o Belief in control of own destiny
TRAITS OF EFFECTIVE LEADERS 5.Stability o Emotionally in control, secure, positive
TRAITS OF EFFECTIVE LEADERS 6.Integrity o Honest, ethical, trustworthy
TRAITS OF EFFECTIVE LEADERS 7.Intelligence o Above average, educated
TRAITS OF EFFECTIVE LEADERS 8.Emotional Intelligence o Self-awareness, managing emotions, motivating oneself, empathy, social skills
TRAITS OF EFFECTIVE LEADERS 9.Flexibility o Change, adjust to changes
TRAITS OF EFFECTIVE LEADERS 10.Sensitivity o Understand group members, communicate well, people centered
18 Theory X vs. Theory Y People are lazy Dislike work Do as little as possible Must be closely supervised Carrot & stick management People are motivated Get satisfaction from work Will do what is right for organization Participative management
19 Theory X.....…......Theory Y (Autocratic) (Participative ) ControlSupport
20 Pygmalion Effect Managers’ attitudes, expectations, and treatment of employees explain and predict behavior and performance.
21 Develop a Positive Self Concept Consciously Push out pessimism Cultivate optimism Stop complaining Avoid negative people Set and achieve goals Focus on success – Do not dwell on failure
22 Develop a Positive Self Concept Accept compliments Don’t belittle your accomplishments Don’t compare yourself to others Focus on being the best you can be Think for yourself Be a positive role model Help others
23 Leadership Styles Based on Attitudes Theory Y Attitudes Theory X Attitudes Positive Self- Concept Gives and accepts positive feedback Expects others to succeed Lets others do the job their way Bossy Pushy ImpatientCritical Autocratic NegativeSelf-Concept Afraid to make decisions Unassertive Self-blaming Pessimistic Promotes hopelessness
. Achievement Motivation theory??
A ch i ev em e n t Moti v ati o n T he ory Attempts to explain and predict behavior and performance based on a person’s need for : Achievement Power Affiliation
'achievement motivated The n-ach person is 'achievement motivated‘ Achievement motivation drives humans to strive for excellence by improving on performance There is a strong need for feedback 'achievement motivated The n-ach person is 'achievement motivated‘ Achievement motivation drives humans to strive for excellence by improving on performance There is a strong need for feedback Need for Achievement (n-ach)
Need for Affiliation (a-affil) 'affiliation motivated 1.The n-affil person is 'affiliation motivated', and has a need for friendly relationships and is motivated towards interaction with other people. 2.They need to be liked and held in popular regard. 3.These people are team players.
Need for Power (n-pow) 'authority motivated The n-pow person is 'authority motivated'. This driver produces a need to be influential, effective and to make an impact. There is a strong need to lead and for their ideas to prevail. There is also motivation and need towards increasing personal status and prestige.
Types of power reward power coercive power legitimate power referent power expert power informational power
What is the leader motive profile (LMP)?? What is the leader motive profile (LMP)??
Leader Motive Profile (LMP) the leader motive profile predicts managerial effectiveness under conditions where leaders need to exercise social influence in the processes of making decisions and motivating others to accept and implement decisions. Tends to have a high need for power, a moderate need for achievement, and a lesser need for affiliation These vary significantly from leader to leader
Leader Motive Profile (LMP) Tends to have a high need for power, a moderate need for achievement, and a lesser need for affiliation These vary significantly from leader to leader
leaders to determine what's right and wrong. Some make the wrong choices – and end up in the news or in the courts. Ethics is…. “pertaining to morality” “pertaining to morality” “the science of morals, the moral principles by which a person is guided” “the science of morals, the moral principles by which a person is guided” (Compact Oxford English Dictionary, 1991, p. 534)
Moral is…. defined as pertaining to the distinction between right and wrong, or good and evil in relation to the actions, volitions, or character of human beings (Oxford English Dictionary, 1991, p. 1114) defined as pertaining to the distinction between right and wrong, or good and evil in relation to the actions, volitions, or character of human beings (Oxford English Dictionary, 1991, p. 1114)
Integrity is…. a concept of CONSISTENCY of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes. a concept of CONSISTENCY of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes. CONSISTENCY
Traits, Attitudes, and Ethics Unethical behavior more likely
Justifications for Unethical Behavior Moral justification: Moral justification: – In terms of a higher purpose Displacement of responsibility: Displacement of responsibility: – Blaming your behavior on others Diffusion of responsibility: Diffusion of responsibility: – A group is responsible, no one person
Justifications for Unethical Behavior Advantageous comparison: Advantageous comparison: – Others are worse Disregarding or distorting consequences: Disregarding or distorting consequences: – Minimizing the harm caused Attribution of blame: Attribution of blame: – Caused by someone else’s behavior Euphemistic labeling Euphemistic labeling – Covering it with cosmetic words
Stakeholder Approach Involve Involve o customers o employees o shareholders o community
Stakeholder Approach Objective Objective – maximization of the interests of its all stakeholders By By – minimize cost and waste while improving the quality of its products – enhance the skills and satisfaction of its employees – contribute to the development of the community from which it draws its resources and sustenance
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