Association for India’s Development An Introduction
Be and AID er…
To Be a Change maker
What is AID? Compassion wherever there is suffering Conviction that the compassion is strong enough to eliminate suffering Courage to make this conviction a reality This is AID...
Poverty One third of world's poor children are in India
Poverty Poverty is but the worst form of violence. -Gandhi
Born in poverty, raised in poverty….
A rag-picker boy Would he rather not be in School?
Basic Education 10 fastest growing 26% Acceleration in economic growth has made India among the 10 fastest growing developing countries. Yet, the country’s per capita income remains low and 26% of the population live below the income poverty line. - WHO Poverty and Child Education are directly related. Poverty impacts child education, and poor remain poor generation after generation. By supporting child education, we can directly impact numerous problems including poverty.
Texas A&M University IIT Kanpur While we reached here
40% Of these didn’t even make it to 5 th std. Millions never got to see even a teacher
To Be A Changemaker, AID Be an AID er !
Woman Empowerment
women's mobility and social interaction women's labor patterns women's access to and control over resources women's control over decision-making Woman Empowerment by Changing:
Well-to-do people have access to private sector healthcare Poor people rely on govt. hospitals Govt. is unable to meet the requirement The percentage of poor in rural areas % % % Health Services
The most needy is also the most deprived of proper health services !! Be the one to change this!
AID Be an AID er !
Problems are many. We could go on… If you think you want to do something, then AID can provide the means…see how
Why AID? It provides a framework where you can be a change maker!!
The AID Framework is: Decentralized Democratic Transparent Low operating cost Efficient Grass-root activism
AID is highly rated Source:
AID Chapters in US
Chapter Functioning Chapters Independently Raises Funds Selects Projects in India Supports them financially If required, AID Inc. assists financially
How can you help? Get Involved !!!
Event: Football fundraise Fund raised: more than $3,000
Event: Swaad, Food Festival Fund raised: More than $6,000
S.W.A.A.D. Volunteers
How can I help? Get Involved in Fund Raising Activity Get Involved in Project Selection Process Get Involved in spreading awareness among people Help AID supported projects achieving success
How much time do I have to spend? One hour a week. AID Chapters have weekly CSH Meetings. (Community Service Hour). Of course, you could do more, if you want
How do I join? 1. Join our listserv to receive announcements and Updates. Send to 2. Volunteer for an activity announced on the listserv, if you like. 3. Come to CSH (Tuesday, 5:30pm)
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