Possible Problems, Theory Anthony E. Butterfield
References Needs to be clear if you are making a reference to something in your table of references. Example: 17. Veigel C., M. L. Bartoo, D. C. S. White, J. C. Sparrow, J. E. Molloy The stiffness of rabbit skeletal actomyosin cross-bridges determined with an optical tweezers transducer. Biophysical Journal. 75: In-text references: …as seen in research on rabbit skeletal actomyosin (17). …as seen in research on rabbit skeletal actomyosin 17. …as seen in research on rabbit skeletal actomyosin (Veigel et al. 1998).
Equations Look at the examples Numbered equations are capitalized: – For example “Using Equation 4 the meaning of life, M L, is calculated.” Explain all symbols in text. Use same font in text as you use in equations. It is not xa, m, y, and b. It should be x a, m, y, and b
Figures Most should be in Methods section. Need captions. Figure fonts need to be legible without need for microscopy. – About the same as font in remainder of text. Give reference when you take images from others. – In professional life get permission (or a lawyer).
Handing It In Send Theory section in electronically only, at least to me. Formal report should come in both electronically and as a hard copy. Make sure CLEAR gets your formal report electronically through their site.
Miscellaneous Problems Introduction and Methods information in the Theory. – Tense problems. Theory = present Methods = past Missing equations you will need to satisfy the problem statement. Assumptions need to be made clear.