Every child is a child Every one in the world has childhood whoever it is a rich or poor all are equal. They are innocent and under development up to 18 year age. What ever parents/guardian, trains their mind set will be improved in that way. A poor kid may do wonders if provided proper knowledge.
6 months research on child begging We are small working professionals done research in Hyderabad on child begging around 6 months on every Sunday Talked to begging kids, public and free child homes managers Collected hundreds of NGOs and visited and verified free orphan homes in Hyderabad. Surprising found in Hyderabad 50 + NGO are running child homes successfully with Govt & donors support. Also more NGOs are also ready to help kids if really poor Why there are hundreds of kids on the street begging?
Organizers/parents are doing business with kids Public do not know about free child homes and giving Rs 1 to begging kids because of mercy on looking at children. Every child is getting Avg Rs 200 per day results in 2 kids are able to collect more than 10,000 per month in Metro cities like Mumbai and Hyderabad etc.. It became a profitable business with kids, so many organizers are getting children for rent by giving some amount to poor parents and enjoying child earnings for alcohol & drugs. They are not giving proper food to kids but provided some sleeping tablets, cough syrups even drugs. Parents also not sending kids to school or free hostels as they are earning extra money from kids so directly they are sending kids into MMTS & traffic junctions etc.. places where more public is found. Many kids told to us that their parents dropped them at organizers as in hostel they won’t get money Just looking at face of innocent kids public is offering just Rs1 but it is killing childhood and making more kids into begging business. It is true that you 1 Rs is not helping the kid at all
Why child should struggle for elders money? 1.Small kids are given sleeping tablets and cough syrups even drugs. (So that Small kids should not cry during elder kid begging ) 2.Kids are not given proper bath and cloths so that they will get more sympathy (But kids are suffer from skin diseases) 3.Once girl begging kid grows they are sent for prostitution % kids money goes into organizers/parents/ begging mafia national and international chained network 5.Children are beaten if any one is playing without begging they they are observed
We requested many begging kids in MMTS & other places also talked to their parents but they are not admitting kids into hostels as they will not get extra money for their alcohols. Please spend 15 Mins and verify all proofs at 1) For real orphan / missing kids, If they are ready to join hostel you can call Child help line 1098 or one of the free hostels numbers given in the website to easily admit in hostels 2) Promise on the website that you are Stopping giving money to begging kids (You can give to old beggars only ) and also inform your friends and family members. If kids are not getting much money then they will stop doing business with kids. 3) Highlight the issue by sending post card to Child welfare department and Human rights as given in the website. It was successful in Bangalore, police and WCW together rides with 108 rescued 200 kids in on 2 nd Dec (You can check our website for proofs) 4) You don’t need to donate any money to save kids, you can also volunteer in this program or forward this mail to all (some one may volunteer their time) by getting ids from contacts using steps given at Thanks & Regards Team