Title 1 What is it and how does it help?
What is it? Title 1 is supplemental funding provided to schools with a high incidence of students living in families with limited resources. It recognizes that typically, those students need additional support and opportunities to reach standard. It also recognizes that a high proportion of students with limited resources impacts all students in a school.
How does it help? Additional staff –Reading, math, paraeducators, extended day Additional resources –Money for staff development and materials –Money for extended day classes –Money for parent involvement activities
What does it require? A compact, or agreement, between parents, teachers, students, and the principal –The compact spells out each individual’s responsibility to help a student be successful –The compact must be reviewed each year, and signed by everyone
What else does it require? A written plan documenting how the money will be spent –The parent involvement plan must have parent input and suggestions A parent survey at the end of the year –To measure how well parents and students were served
Parent-Teacher-Student- Principal Compact Review Suggestions
Parent Involvement Plan $3,870 allocation PROPOSED BUDGET $1000parent-teacher events $2800Parent – Child – School events
Parent - Teacher Events $1000 Ideas: –Monthly seminars –Grade level nights around a curricular area –Parent learning on topics of interest
Parent - Child Events $2800 Ideas: –Author Night, Math Night –Story-teller, multi-cultural activities –Museum activities at Emerson Children’s Museum, Pioneer Farms, Science Center –Spanish-speaking parent night
What are your ideas? What would benefit you as a parent? What activities would you and your child enjoy doing together? How can we as a school support you as you help your child?
Next Steps Revise Compact Get signatures Take parent ideas and suggestions for parent involvement Write a plan within the budget Have fun!
Thank you!