Aquatic Therapy
Therapeutic Consideration Accommodating Resistance matching patient applied force or effort Variable Resistance with change of speed or velocity Strengthening exercises unrestricted in direction Buoyancy to Increase ROM Cooperative Movement of UE & LE Cardiorespiratory Fitness Early Restoration of Joint Mobility Hydrostatic Forces effecting edema and tactile sensation Turbulence/Hydrodynamic Forces-Drag
Precaution To Aquatic Therapy Fever Cardiac failure Vital capacity less than 1500 cm3 Excessive high or low blood pressure or does not adjust to fluid loss Urinary infection Incontinence Open wounds Uncontrolled epilepsy Infectious disease Ling infection Impaired temperature regulation Fragile skin
Strengthen muscles and protects joints. Isometric, Isokinetic, Variable, Mobilizing Improves psychological & emotional outlook
Aquatic-Based Rehabilitation and Training for the Shoulder Thein & Thein
Aquatic Plyometric Training Increases Vertical Jump in Female Volleyball Players PT department University of Maryland Eastern Shore Eccentric loading limited compared to land based plyometrics although concentric have increased loading 6 wks APT x2/wk in addition to traditional pre-season Control teammates X2/week flexibility training and traditional pre-season Warm-up jogging & APT included: power skips, spike approaches, single and double leg bounding, continuous jumping for height, jump squats and depth jumps. Encouraged to perform in an explosive manner and with maximal effort. Isokinetics Peak Torque 60 & 180 deg/sec & Vertical Jump were increased above control No reports injuries
Effects of aquatics resistance training on neuromuscular performance in healthy women Medicine and Science in Sports Medicine -Tapani Poyhonen Finland 24 healthy women 34.2 y/o +/- 3.9 healthcare workers Study effects of 10 week aquatic resistance training on neuromuscular performance and muscle mass measuring peak torque isometric & isokinetic 60/180 deg/sec, surface EMG quadriceps & hamstrings, lean tissue cross-sectional area (LCSA) as measure by CT scan 5-8 min warm up aqua jogger min resistance training and 5 cool down Repe3ated one leg knee extension-flexion sitting, repeated extension -flexion standing, reciprocating extension-flexion in sitting, hip extension-flexion with knee extended in standing or kicking alternating at each training session Instructed to perform with maximal effort for highest possible velocity with verbal encouragement Differing sized boots for resistance and varying set, reps and rest through 10 week progression. Showed improved torque, neural activation and LCSA