WHAT IS A RELIGIOUS GROUP? A religious group is a group of people who choose to have the same belief about religion; how the world was created, who created the world, and rules that people should live by.
WHAT IS AN ETHNIC GROUP? An ethnic group is a group of people whose members identify with each other, through a common heritage, consisting of a common language, a common culture (often including a common religion), and a tradition of common ancestry.
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A RELIGIOUS GROUP AND AN ETHNIC GROUP? 1.Members of a religious group have made a choice to be a part of a religious belief system. A person belongs to a religious group based upon what he or she believes about life and God. 2.Members of an ethnic group were often born into that group. A person belongs to an ethnic group based upon ancestry and culture, not because of a choice he or she made.
HOW ARE THE THREE PREDOMINANT RELIGIONS IN SOUTHWEST ASIA ALIKE? Christianity / Judaism / Islam a god a founder a location where it was founded a religious text believers basic beliefs
CHRISTIANITY Worshiped: God / Jesus Founder: Jesus Founded: 8-4 BC Where it was founded: Israel (Palestine) Religious text: the Bible Believers are called: Christians Basic beliefs: Jesus is the Messiah or Savior
JUDAISM Worshiped: Yahweh Founder: Abraham Founded: 2000 BC Where it was founded: Mesopotamia Religious text: Torah Believers are called: Jews Basic beliefs: God made a covenant with Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars and that they would always have the land of Canaan.
ISLAM Worshiped: Allah Founder: Muhammad Founded: About 600 AD Where it was founded: Mecca, Saudi Arabia Religious text: Koran-Qur’an Believers called: Muslims Basic beliefs: Five Pillars: 1) faith in one god (Allah) 2) prayer 3) giving to the poor 4) fasting (no eating or drinking) and 5) trip to Mecca
LET’S CHECK OUR TABLE! JUDAISMCHRISTIANITYISLAM Who is Worshiped? YahwehGod / JesusAllah Founder?AbrahamJesusMuhammad When Founded? 2000 BC8-4 BCAbout 600 AD Where Founded? MesopotamiaIsrael (Palestine) Mecca, Saudi Arabia Religious Text?TorahBibleKoran-Qur’an Believers?JewsChristiansMuslim Basic Beliefs?God made a covenant with Abraham, etc. Jesus is the Messiah or Savior Five Pillars (listed and explained)
ARABS Live in Middle East & North Africa Most live in western Saudi Arabia. They are the largest populated group in the region. Religion that most follow Mostly Islam (Sunni Islam & Shi’a Islam) but small numbers practice other religions Language they speak Mostly Arabic
PERSIANS Live in Middle East Most live in Iran. Religion that most follow Mostly Islam: Shi’a Muslim, Sunni, and other religions Language they speak Persian or Farso
KURDS Live in Middle East Includes southeastern Turkey, northeastern Syria, northern Iraq, western Iran, and Azerbaijan and Armenia Religion that most follow Mostly Islam: Less strict Muslims Language they speak Kurdish
LET’S CHECK OUR TABLE. LocationReligionLanguage Arabs Middle East & North Africa (western Saudi Arabia) Mostly Islam Mostly Arabic Persians Middle East (Iran) Mostly Islam (Shi’a Muslim, Sunni) Persian or Farso Kurds Middle East Turkey, etc.) Mostly Islam (Less strict Muslims) Kurdish
SUNNI AND SHIA MUSLIMS “Sunni” means: one who follows the traditions of the Prophet Muhammad. The Sunni Muslims believe that leaders following Muhammad should be elected from those that are capable of doing the job. This is how Muslim leaders are chosen.
SUNNI AND SHIA MUSLIMS “Shia” means: a group of supportive party of the people. The Shia Muslims believe that leaders following Muhammad should have stayed within the Prophet Muhammad’s family. Because this is not how Muslim leaders are chosen, Shia Muslims do not recognize Muslim authority.
SUNNI AND SHIA MUSLIMS DIVIDED The Sunni Muslims make up the majority (85%) of Muslims all over the world. Although the Sunni and Shia Muslims share a common faith, they are divided due to the disagreement among who should lead the Muslim faith. Sunni: Leaders should be elected. Shia: Leadership is a birthright.