Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Security Dimitris Keridis Associate Professor of International Politics Panteion University From the Arab Spring to the Spring of Jihad?
The Problem After Mosul: the collapse of Syria and Iraq ISIS and the emergence of a Sunni Caliphate
The Problem
The Framework External forces: The US intervention in Iraq in 2003 Regional forces: The democratic awakening of the Arab people The Shia-Sunni Divide The Iran-Saudi Arabia rivalry +Turkey, +Russia, +USA
The Framework Internal forces: Nouri al-MalikiBashar Assad The Kurds
Other Factors Obama’s aloofness after withdrawing from Iraq in 2011 The regional/international constellation
Consequences and prospects Collapse, re-drawing of borders, protracted civil war
Consequences and prospects A basis for global jihad
Consequences and prospects Mass migration
Consequences and prospects Rapprochement between Iran and the US
Consequences and prospects The US political polarization: the neo-cons and the rest