Aug. 2 nd 1990, Iraq invades Kuwait Aug 7 th 1990 US mobilizes Desert Shield Aug. 9 th 1990 US Arrives in Saudi Arabia NOV. 29 Saddam deadline to withdraw JAN US begin Bombing FEB 24 th 1991 Iraq forced out of Kuwait No Fly Zone established
JAN 2002 Bush “Axis of Evil” Speech Mar , Bush gives Hussein 2 days to leave Iraq Mar. 20 th War Begins May 1 st 03 = “Mission Accomplished”
December 03 = Saddam captured Jan. 04 WMD intelligence found to be false April 2004 = Abu Ghraib scandal Sept. 05 = Saddam goes on trial May 2006 = UN reports 100 Iraqi civilians killed each day by insurgents Nov = Saddam Sentenced to death
Nov. 06 = Shia & Sunni groups believed to be moving toward Civil War Dec. 06 = Iraq study group says situation is grave & deteriorating Dec. 30 = Saddam Executed Jan 10 th 07 = Bush announces New strategy for Iraq