WARM UP (Sheet of paper please) GRAB A WORLD HISTORY BOOK Read “The Quran” on page 971. Answer “Analyzing Primary Sources” questions –Answer MC questions NOW –Save the “Critical Thinking” question for after the lecture Turn in AFTER the lecture on your own paper!
The Muslim World: Understanding Islam and its Founding Chapter 11 Sections 1&2 Pages EQs: What is the history behind Islam? What are the teachings of Islam? How did Islam spread?
History of Islam First, understand that Islam was founded in Saudi Arabia…at the time of its founding, the Arabian Peninsula was a land of tribes (clans) and nomads, with no real unified government…the traditions of these people dated back to those of the ancient ME civs. Second, understand that Islam is a “young” religion, only about 1400 years old (Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism and Hinduism are older) Much like Judaism & Christianity, one God (Allah), founded by a prophet (Muhammad) HOW DID ISLAM COME INTO BEING? –Muhammad was troubled by idol worship and all the negative things he saw in Bedouin society –He had a vision, from the angel Gabriel, calling on him to be a messenger of God
History of Islam (con’t) Muhammad was persecuted for promoting belief in one God Muhammad fled to Yathrib in 622 AD (now known as Medina) on a journey known as the hijra (622 AD is the holy beginning year for Islam) Those in Medina welcome Muhammad and his followers grew He “attacked” the people of Mecca in 630 AD, destroyed their idols and began uniting all Arabs under his religion
FIVE PILLARS OF ISLAM The basis of Islam is 5 things (rules) its followers must adhere to in their daily lives: 1. Affirmation of faith in God (Allah) 2. Daily Prayer – face east (Mecca) 5 times a day and pray 3. Charity – must give to the poor and enfeebled 4. Fasting – During Ramadan, not eating, sunrise to sunset 5. Pilgrimage – hajj, Every able bodied Muslim must go to Mecca once in their life NOT a pillar, Jihad or struggle in God’s service, is noted as another duty that some Muslims practice
Islam: Religion and Way of Life Islam is not just a religion, it is a way of life…it serves as a teacher, a system of laws and a system of social conduct Islamic Law = Sharia –Regulate moral conduct –Family life –Business practices –Government activity –Lastly, religion IS NOT separate from the law (criminal or civil) in MOST Muslim communities Women and Islam –Fundamental Islam promotes equality between men and women –Only general roles were defined by the Quran (Koran) –Arabs have just picked up bad habits about how to treat women from other civilizations
Islam’s Movement (Sects) Muhammad died in 632 AD…his friend Abu Bakr took over as leader of the faith, but he died in 634 AD…these deaths led to divisions in Islam Islam has three major movements: –1: Sunnis – believed that the caliph (leader) should be chosen by religious leaders of the Muslim community AND should just be a leader, not a religious authority –2: Shiites – believed that the caliph (leader) should be a TRUE descendant of Muhammad and a religious leader –Sunnis and Shiites are in constant conflict over these points (explains the majority of conflict in the Middle East today)…Sunnis are a majority in the Islamic world (85%) and Shiites are a minority, however, 2 nations have a Shiite majority Ie. IRAQ and Iran (Shi’a majority, Sunni minority) –3: Sufis – the mystics, who seek communion (oneness) with Allah…they are like monks/nuns, etc. and are the missionaries of the Islamic faith
For the remainder of time… -Work on worksheets for chapter 11 sec 1&2 (pages )…there may be some time to finish tomorrow but don’t count on it! -DUE TOMORROW BY THE END OF THE PERIOD! -TURN IN YOUR WARM UP BEFORE LEAVING!!! -Tomorrow: Review video clip on the Islamic Faith