All about Lithium Li
Discovered (1817) by Johan August Arfwedson in the mineral petalite, lithium is found also in economically exploitable quantities in such minerals as spodumene, lepidolite, amblygonite, and petalite; it constitutes about percent of the Earth's crust. Chemical treatment of the ores provides lithium hydroxide, carbonate, or sulfate, which can be converted to other compounds. Lithium metal is made by electrolyzing a molten mixture of lithium chloride and potassium chloride. The metal, which can be drawn into wire and rolled into sheets, is softer than lead but harder than the other alkali metals and has the body-centred cubic crystal structure. Lithium and its compounds impart a crimson colour to a flame, the basis of a test for its presence. Lithium floats on water, reacting with it to yield lithium hydroxide (LiOH) and hydrogen gas. It is commonly kept coated with petrolatum because it reacts with the moisture in the air.
Natural lithium exists as two isotopes: lithium-7 (92.5 percent) and lithium-6 (7.5 percent); five radioactive isotopes have been prepared—lithium-5, lithium-8, lithium-9, lithium-10, and lithium- 11—all having half-lives of less than one second. Lithium was used (1932) as the target metal in the pioneering work of John Cockcroft and Ernest Walton in transmuting nuclei by artificially accelerated atomic particles; each lithium nucleus that absorbed a proton became two helium nuclei. The bombardment of lithium-6 with slow neutrons produces helium and tritium. Aluminum, lead, and other soft metals can be made harder by alloying them with small proportions of lithium.
Compounds. Lithium is chemically active, readily losing one of its three electrons to form compounds containing the Li+ cation. Many of these differ markedly in solubility from the corresponding compounds of the other alkali metals.
number of the lithium compounds have practical applications. Lithium hydride (LiH), a grey, crystalline solid produced by the direct combination of its constituent elements at elevated temperatures, is a ready source of hydrogen, instantly liberating that gas upon treatment with water. It also is used to produce lithium aluminum hydride(LiAlH 4 ), which quickly reduces aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic esters to alcohols.
Lithium hydroxide (LiOH), commonly obtained by the reaction of lithium carbonate with lime, is used in making lithium salts (soaps) of stearic and other fatty acids; these soaps are widely used as thickeners in lubricating greases. Lithium hydroxide is also used as an additive in the electrolyte of alkaline storage batteries and as an absorbent for carbon dioxide. Other industrially important compounds include lithium chloride, LiCl, and lithium bromide, LiBr. They form concentrated brines capable of absorbing aerial moisture over a wide range of temperatures; these brines are commonly employed in large refrigerating and air-conditioning systems. Lithium fluoride, LiF, is used chiefly as a fluxing agent in enamels and glasses. Of greater significance is lithium carbonate, Li 2 CO 3. Not only is it utilized in the preparation of other lithium compounds but it has been found to be effective in the treatment of the mental disorder manic-depressive psychosis.