Bienvenidos a la clase de español This course is an introduction to Spanish 1
Academic goals To provide students with an introduction to World Language that builds a solid foundation of vocabulary, grammar, and culture. This will enable students to have success in grade 8
This course is a 45-day introduction to the Spanish language taken for one semester. Your student will be taking French next semester. At the end of the 7 Th grade, the students will choose what language they would like to pursue in 8 th grade.
Materials for class 1 three ring binder 1” or bigger w/dividers 180 filler sheets A pack of 100 3x5 index cards A good supply of pens and pencils
Textbook Realidades /or later (replacement cost $~77.00) The textbook will be used only in class
Themes Why study Spanish? Cognates Maps of Spanish speaking countries Greetings Calendar items (days/dates/months) Classroom objects Weather Likes/dislikes Telling time
Grading point system (total divided by total possible points) quizzes, tests, projects, writing samples, homework, class productivity, notebook (all worksheets need to be kept for each term- vocabulary sheets need to be kept in folder for the whole year) quiz points can vary in range depending how challenging they are A+
Homework Students will get a homework calendar. Homework is also written on the easel/whiteboard and online.
Class size +/- 30
Seating arrangement Flexible/assigned seats (notify teacher with special concerns)
Extra help Tuesday Sra. Borstel Srta. Lovell Sra. Pacheco Sra. Sirois Thursday HW Club Srta. Lovell & Mlle. Daly Spanish Club Sra. Pacheco & Sra. McKay
Contact information Call school at
Progress Reports Given to the students the first week of every month. These reports do not have to be signed!
Items needed Pencils/pens Kleenex/tissues Handwipes/lysol wipes Yarn/popsicle sticks- craft supplies Embroidery floss Index cards Dry erase/expo markers Scissors School supplies (binders, hole punchers, dividers, glue sticks)
Parent-Teacher Conferences Parent-teacher conferences will take place on December 11 Th and December 18 Th. To sign up call or your student’s guidance counselor. Please do not feel it is necessary to wait for parent-teacher conferences to discuss your child’s progress. You can call or e- mail at any point during the year.
Questions to ask your student Do understand what you did in class today? Are you asking questions in class? Are you doing your homework? Are you practicing your Spanish every night? Are you prepared for tests/quizzes? What was your grade on your last assessment? Have you gone for extra help? Did you do extra credit?