1) What state was the GDR in 1956? Totally dependent on Moscow and Russian troops, confronted by a prosperous West Germany.
2) Between , what percentage of the East German population fled to West Germany? 17%
3) Why was Khrushchev so confident of gaining concessions from the West over Berlin? Believed use of nuclear diplomacy would work, whilst putting pressure on West Berlin- all without threat of war.
4) What did he “graphically observe”? “Berlin is the testicles of the West...every time I want to make the West scream I squeeze on Berlin”.
5) Why did Khrushchev seek to strengthen the GDR? (5) Pride of International Communism Prevent FRG being equipped with nuclear weapons Divide Western powers Force the West to accept them as a political and military equal Force the West to recognise the GDR as an independent state.
6) What was the Berlin ultimatum, November 1958? Khrushchev calling for a peace treaty with the two German states, where outside forces would withdraw.
7) What were the demands of the Ultimatum? (3) Demilitarisation of West Berlin Withdrawal of Western troops Status changed to a ‘free city’.
8) What did he threaten the West with if they were not to comply? Signing a separate peace agreement with the GDR, recognising its own sovereignty over East Berlin. This would allow them to control access to West Berlin!
9) Why was this important? Would force the Western allies to deal with East German officials, thus recognising them as an independent state anyway, and break the Hallstein Doctrine.
10) How did the West react? Rejected the proposal, but did agree to discuss the Germany and Berlin question again.
11) What were the results of the summit meetings? Nothing! But points were seriously considered, such as nuclear free zones, and even recognising the GDR.
12) What prevented the Paris Summit from taking place in 1960? The U2 incident
13) Why did Ulbricht (GDR leader) want Khrushchev to sign a separate peace treaty with the GDR? Feared the collapse of the GDR as refugee numbers continued to rise.
14) What difference did the election of Kennedy have? Promoted ‘flexible response’ “We intend to have a wider choice than humiliation or all out nuclear war”.
15) What did Kennedy do that prompted Khrushchev to consider building the Berlin wall? Stated on television that the USA was essentially interested in free access to West Berlin, rather than Berlin as a whole.
16) Why was the Berlin wall important? By tolerating the wall, Western allies effectively recognised the GDR.