E UROPEAN C OUNCIL ON F OREIGN R ELATIONS Introduction Dr. Ulrike Guérot, Head of Berlin Office
W HO WE ARE new think tank founded in October offices in London, Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Rome Warsaw & Sofia research programs: „Institutions, Money & Power“, „Russia and Wider Europe“, „Middle East & North Africa“, „Democracy, Human Rights & Justice“, „Asia Centre“
T HE ECFR - C OUNCIL ECFR was founded by a council whose members include serving and former ministers and parliamentarians, business leaders, distinguished academics, journalists and public intellectuals.
W HAT WE DO Our mission statement: Europe needs a single voice Promote a more integrated European foreign policy in support of shared European interests and values To promote a new strategic culture at the heart of European foreign policy
H OW WE WANT TO ACHIEVE OUR GOALS ECFR’s pan-European work through advocacy, the mass media and campaigns make the necessary connections between innovative thinking, policy-making and civic action. Policy papers, background talks, public debates, briefings One-to-one lobbying with deputies and policy makers
M ETHODOLOGY AND APPROACH O F OUR P UBLICATIONS Blaming & shaming Clustering of EU member states with respect to clear European foreign policy goals Benchmarking of countries Concrete policy conclusions & advice (i.e. EU- PCA agreement with Russia)
O UR PUBLICATIONS „A Power Audit of EU-Russia Relations „Afghanistan: Europe´s forgotten war“ Policy briefs: „Meeting Medvedev“ & „New World Order“ Forthcoming publications on ESDP, EEAS, EU in UN, Power Audit of „EU-China Relations Various posts on the ECFR Website
F OR MORE INFORMATION To access our publications and up-to-date policy analysis visit: To contact the ECFR Berlin office: