Page 2 Agenda Task 1: Initial Configuration Task 2: Testing disinfection with HTTP traffic scanning, manual scanning and real-time scanning Task 3: Testing scanning Task 4: Automatic Update Setup Task 5: Advanced Anti-Virus Management Task 6: Spyware Scanning Task 7: Using Browser Control Task 8: Manage Spyware Centrally Task 9: Using System Control
Page 3 Task 1: Initial Configuration Configure your AVCS client from the Policy Manager Console with the following settings Real-time scanning and scanning should be enabled and the settings should be locked Check that archives are not scanned in real-time scanning, but are scanned in manual scans and scans Enable HTTP traffic scanning Scanned file types: ”All files” in manual scanning, ”All attachements” in scanning and only ”files with certain extension” in real-time scanning Disable the firewall Configure the console in such way so that security alerts are sent to with server (XX is the number of your workstation) Task continues on next page…
Page 4 Task 1: Initial Configuration Create two different policies on sub-domain level Under “Accounting/HEL”, set real-time scanning “Action on infection” to ”Disinfect Automatically” Your workstation should be part of this domain Under “Development/HEL”, set real-time scanning “Action on infection” to “Ask After Scan” =>After task is completed, continue to page 13
Page 5 Walk Through: Initial Configuration In Real-Time Scanning, check if the most critical settings are locked (select the root domain level) Real-Time scanning = enabled Files to scan = Files with these extensions Included extensions list should be locked
Page 6 Walk Through: Initial Configuration In Manual scanning, check that the most important settings are locked aswell and that they are configured correctly Files to scan = All Files Scan inside compressed files = Enabled
Page 7 Walk Through: Initial Configuration In scanning, check that the most important settings are locked and that they are configured correctly Incoming and out going scanning = enabled Action on infected attachments locked Attachments to scan = All attachments
Page 8 Walk Through: Initial Configuration Enable HTTP scanning and lock the setting
Page 9 Walk Through: Initial Configuration Setup alert sending Server address = Sender address = Recipient address =
Page 10 Walk Through: Initial Configuration Disable Internet Shield (on root domain level)
Page 11 Walk Through: Initial Configuration Create two different policies on sub-domain level Under “Accounting/HEL”, set real-time scanning “Action on infection” to ”Disinfect Automatically” Under “Development/HEL”, set real-time scanning “Action on infection” to “Ask After Scan”
Page 12 Walk Through: Initial Configuration Place your workstation in the “Accounting/HEL” sub-domain Use context menu (right-click, cut and paste) Distribute the policies
Page 13 Task 2: Testing Disinfection with Download test file from and test web traffic, real-time and manual virus scanning Test downloading eicar zipped and unzipped Test real-time scanning in sub-domains ”Accounting/HEL” and ”Development/HEL” (any differences?) Test manual scanning Check the reports on the local host and on Policy Manager Console => After task is completed, continue to page 22
Page 14 Walk Through: Testing Disinfection Attempt to download the eicar test file Download eicar.txt from Test downloading different alternatives
Page 15 Walk Through: Testing Disinfection Web traffic scanner should pick up the file when downloading (using HTTP) Note that real-time scanner would prevent saving the file save, if malware was downloaded using HTTPs (SSL) File is disinfected (deleted) automatically as the workstation is currently in the “Accounting/HEL” sub-domain
Page 16 Walk Through: Testing Disinfection In order to test real-time scanning, manual scanning and scanning, create a text file with Notepad, including the eicar text string First move the workstation to the ”Development/HEL” sub-domain and distribute the policies Then create the eicar.txt file When real-time scanner warns about the infection, select “Do nothing”
Page 17 Walk Through: Testing Disinfection Test the real-time protection by renaming the file to Notice that the recommended action on this test file is “Delete” (similar to trojan horse removal)
Page 18 Walk Through: Testing Disinfection Run a Manual scan of the folder where eicar.txt is located If you deleted, you need to recreate it Launch the scan for example through the system tray AVCS icon
Page 19 Walk Through: Testing Disinfection Check also the Scanning Report created by the Manual scan
Page 20 Walk Through: Testing Disinfection Check the security alerts on Policy Manager Console
Page 21 Walk Through: Testing Disinfection Launch a scan for Viruses and Spyware from the Policy Manager Console Operations tab Check the Report this creates in a few minutes
Page 22 Task 3: Testing Scanning Configure Outlook Express and send to yourself (attach address: Incoming mail server: Outgoing mail server: Check the alerts that have been forwarded to that address as well => After task is completed, continue to page 31
Page 23 Walk Through: Testing Scanning Check that scanning works Open and configure Outlook Express
Page 24 Walk Through: Testing Scanning address: Incoming mail server: Outgoing mail server:
Page 25 Walk Through: Testing Scanning Account name: userXX, where XX is the number of the workstation Password: password
Page 26 Walk Through: Testing Scanning Download your s from the server There should be some alert for the administration as this is the address where alerts are sent
Page 27 Walk Through: Testing Scanning Send a to yourself Disable “real-time scanning” from PMC (distribute policies) Attach eicar.txt to your and send it
Page 28 Walk Through: Testing Scanning An scanning report appears (the is blocked) Check the statistics and reports on the Policy Manager Console
Page 29 Walk Through: Testing Scanning Test incoming scanning In order to test incoming scanning you need to disable outgoing scanning, Do so from the Policy Manager Console (distribute the policies) Send another
Page 30 Walk Through: Testing Scanning Re-enable Virus & Spy Protection Turn real-time scanning back on Enable outgoing scanning Remember to lock the settings
Page 31 Task 4: Automatic Update Confirmation In case the hosts AUA cannot connect to PMS, then it will automatically fetch virus definitions from the F-Secure Root Update Server. Try to come up with a way to test the fail-over mechanism => After task is completed, continue to page 37
Page 32 Walk Through: Automatic Update Confirmation In order to test the automatic fail-over, we need to shut down the Policy Manager Server service Close the Policy Manager Console Stop the Policy Manager Server service from Start/Settings/Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services
Page 33 Walk Through: Automatic Update Confirmation On the host, check that the PMS is unreachable In the basic user interface, click “Check Now” under “Central Management” Now Management Agent will attempt to fetch the policy and fail
Page 34 Walk Through: Automatic Update Confirmation Check the Logfile.log for a possible connection problem reason Logfile.log can either be launched from the Advanced User interface (under Central Management) or it can be found from c:\Program Files\F- Secure\Common\
Page 35 Walk Through: Automatic Update Confirmation Trigger the virus definitions update from the Advanced User Interface Under Automatic updates, click “Check now” At first the connection fails (to PMS), but as soon as it has failed, another connection is opened (UDP connection to the F-Secure Root Update Server)
Page 36 Allowing F-Secure Automatic Update Agent Through a Firewall Local Host F-Secure Root Update Server AVCS Automatic Update Agent Polite Protocol should be allowed by the Firewall: Other option is to allow HTTP
Page 37 Task 5: Advanced Mode Management Set up a scheduled scan that takes place weekly and add a custom message, that is shown to end users on local infections => After task is completed, continue to page 42
Page 38 Walk Through: Advanced Mode Management Define a custom message shown to users when infections are found F-Secure Anti-Virus/Settings/Visual/ Custom Message = Show Custom Message when Virus Found = Enabled
Page 39 Walk Through: Advanced Mode Management Add a scheduled task F-Secure Anti-Virus/Settings/Scheduler/Scheduled Task Choose Add
Page 40 Walk Through: Advanced Mode Management Choose Scheduling Parameters Read the help text for instructions Schedule a scan task to start in a few minutes (24 hour format!), which will from now on run once a week Distribute the policies
Page 41 Walk Through: Advanced Mode Management Check the scanning report created by the scheduled task on the Policy Manager Console
Page 42 Internet Explorer Configuration Windows XP service pack 2 has enhanced Internet Explorer with several security features. In order to be able to test all Spyware Protection features (incl. Browser Control and System Control), we need to disable some features Open Internet Explorer and goto Tools/Internet Options Adjust the Internet Security Level (click “Custom Level”) Download Signed ActiveX Controls: Enabled Adjust the “Privacy” settings Lower the privacy settings to “Accept all Cookies” Disable the XP SP2 popup blocker => After task is completed, continue to page 47
Page 43 Task 6: Spyware Scanning Try out spyware scanning Run a spyware scan on the host Check the logfiles and alerts => After task is completed, continue to page 47
Page 44 Walk Through: Spyware Scanning Execute a spyware scan on the local host Launch the scan from system tray Usually there is some spyware to be found on a Windows computer Once the scan is complete, select “I want to decide item by item”
Page 45 Walk Through: Spyware Scanning Get rid of the spyware Select the file and either delete them or quarantine them
Page 46 Walk Through: Spyware Scanning Check also the scanning report
Page 47 Walk Through: Spyware Scanning Now test, how easy it is to get infected with tracking cookies Browse through some high profile commercial sites like etc… Most of these push tracking cookies on your local disk Open logfile.log and search for spyware detections
Page 48 Task 7: Using Browser Control Test Browser Control Enable Browser Control Simulate an attack on your hosts file Attempt to change the start page on Internet Explorer Test ActiveX protection using F-Secure Online Scanner => After task is completed, continue to page 54
Page 49 Walk Through: Using Browser Control Test Browser Control Enable Browser Control either from the local user interface (if current policy allows this) or from Policy Manager Console Advanced Mode Then browse to => “Multi- PopUp Test #2” and test the popup blocker
Page 50 Walk Through: Using Browser Control Simulate a redirection attempt Add the following line to your HOSTS file (in the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers \etc) to simulate a network re- direction attempt: This will cause, that you now longer can use DNS names to access the F-Secure Webpage IP addresses still work!
Page 51 Walk Through: Using Browser Control The hosts file redirection will be detected by the Spyware real- time scanner Accept the recommended action (Quarantine the object) Wait for the item being processed
Page 52 Walk Through: Using Browser Control Check the logfile and hosts file Open the logfile.log to confirm that FSAVCS noticed the hosts file redirection Also open the hosts file and check, if malicious entry has been removed
Page 53 Walk Through: Using Browser Control Now try to change the start page of the Internet Explorer Open Tools/Internet Options on Internet Explorer Change the default home page Browser Control will prevent the change
Page 54 Walk Through: Using Browser Control Browser Control also prevents ActiveX installations Test this with the F-Secure Online Scanner This application is actually white listed, so the installation goes through, but if you open the logfile.log you’ll notice that Browser Control has noticed the operation
Page 55 Task 8: Manage Spyware Centrally On the Policy Manager Console, manage the spyware reported by your host (test the spyware exclusion function) => After task is completed, continue to page 56
Page 56 Walk Through: Spyware Scanning On Policy Manager Console, manage spyware reported by the hosts In Spyware Control, check what spyware has been reported by the your host If you choose ”Exclude Spyware”, then the same application will not longer be monitored by the real-time scanner!
Page 57 Task 9: Using System Control Enable System Control and test it by tampering directly with the registry Some of the monitored registry sections HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CLASSES (file extension associations) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\ RUN (and ”RUNONCE”, applications launched at each startup) => After task is completed, continue to page 60
Page 58 Walk Through: Using System Control Enable System Control System Control can be enabled either from the local user interface (if the current policy allows) or from the Policy Manager Console (Advanced Mode only!)
Page 59 Walk Through: Using System Control Attempt to change the registry values class associations Open Regedit (Start/Run/Regedit) Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\.exe) Attempt to modify (Default), change it for example to jpgfiles
Page 60 Walk Through: Using System Control System Control doesn’t allow the change and will prompt for your decision Depending on the policy configuration, changes monitored by System Control might be automatically allowed or denied Note that user decisions are not reported to the Policy Manager Console