A Case Study in Nationalism: German Unification,


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Presentation transcript:

A Case Study in Nationalism: German Unification, 1815-1871 Meeting of all the German Confederation monarchs, 1863

Setting the Scene: The Congress of Vienna Creation of the German Confederation (GC) 39 states, led by Austria Prussia allowed to be independent AND part of GC Major powers of GC were rivals Austria: Hapsburg dynasty to South of GC Prussia Military power in North Blue = Prussia Yellow = Austria Gray = other German states

Austria and Prussia, mid 19th Century Austria weak Nature of Empire (11 nationalities, 15 languages spoken) Struggle with nationalist movements Lost Russia as ally in 1850s (Crimean War, Slavic nationalism Austrian Empire Coat of Arms

Austria and Prussia, Mid 19th Century Prussia strong Most industrialized state in Germany More coal, iron than Austria Better and longer road, rail network Favorable trade alliances with GC states & standardized currency Superior leaders Prussian coat of arms

Prussian Leaders Kaiser Wilhelm I (1799-1888) Soldier, diplomat: not well educated (3rd son of dad) “Prince of Grapeshot”: turned cannon on own people during Const. crisis in 1848 Became king in 1861 Appointed good people to run State

Prussian Leaders Otto Von Bismarck (“The Iron Chancellor”) Appointed Minister-President by Wilhelm I in 1862 Conservative who supported Monarchy Incredibly loyal to Kaiser Goals Unify North German States Weaken Austria Make Berlin center of Germany Strengthen King of Prussia against Parliament, called the Reichstag Bismarck as Chancellor, 1871

Prussian Leaders Helmut Von Moltke Chief of Staff, Prussian Army, 1857-1887 Improved strategy, tactics of Prussian Army Strategy = big picture in war – planning, etc Tactics = actual fighting – first to use war games to practice attack plans Created first modern General Staff, to plan war “No battle plan survives contact with the enemy”

Plan for German Unification: Phase One Prussia went to war against Denmark, took land (circled) Then fought Austrians in 1867 (7 week war) North German Confederation created, under Prussian control Austria promised to stay out of NGC affairs, pay reparations ($ for war) Red = Prussia Salmon =Other N German States Gray = South Hot pink line is Boundary of NGC

Franco-Prussian War, 1870-71 France was afraid of Prussia getting stronger Bismarck used diplomacy to isolate France from allies Russia, Italy promised to stay neutral in war Provoked war with France: “The Ems Telegram” Ems a resort French demanded public withdrawal Bismarck sent along two copies…… Germany threatening France (French newspaper cartoon, 1870)

Franco Prussian War, 1870-71 French mobilize 100k reg. troops, declared war against ALL of Germany Result: Southern German states join NGC Fr. figured their army would grow as mobilization continued Germans reacted with swift attack Mobilized 1 million troops in 10 days Transported to Fr border Paris captured in Jan 1871

Franco-Prussian War, 1870-71 Treaty of Frankfurt France lost Alsace-Lorraine Paid indemnity of $500 million to Prussia Southern German States unified with NGC when France declared war = Germany was complete!! Was German unification inevitable? Yes; economic coop. = unification eventual, but Bismarck sped it up Results of Franco-Prussian War