1 ValueLinks Module 9 Introducing quality & safety standards Introducing product norms and standards
2 ValueLinks Types and importance of norms and quality standards Contents Approaches to introduce safety norms and quality standards 1 2 Introducing product norms and standards
3 ValueLinks Food safety / product safety Hygienic harmlessness Free of harmful substances or content below thresholds Disease free Traceability required Product quality and safety Food quality Freshness Taste … variety Homogeneity Nutrient content Processing methods Origin and traceability … Non-food product quality Fitness for use Design Uniqueness of product … 1 Motivation of norms & standards Non-food product safety Safe for use Free of harmful substances or content below thresholds …
4 ValueLinks Environmental sustainability “Good practice” Sustainability of production (especially in case of products from gathering or hunting) Recycling (of waste, used product) Reduced CO 2 emission in transport and logistics Social sustainability / ethic standards no child labour Fair labour conditions Decent workplace timely payment of producers … 1 Motivation of norms & standards Social and ecological criteria
5 ValueLinks Obliging norms - regulated by laws safety of food effectiveness of inputs avoid dissemination of diseases and pests formal precondition for access to (export) markets Voluntary standards Satisfaction of clients Competitiveness on domestic markets (imported products) Competitiveness at / access to export markets Nature of standards 1
6 ValueLinks issued by Government Product quality standards Safety standards issued by Industry - Grades - Codes of Conduct Overview of types of standards Social and ecological standards - Food laws - Liability laws - Social laws - Environ- ment laws - Industry standards - FSC - Flower label - Rugmark 1 Types of quality norms & standards
7 ValueLinks issued by Government Product quality standards Safety standards issued by Industry or Civil society Overview of types of standards Social and ecological standards 1 Types of quality norms & standards
8 ValueLinks Market transparency: Standards simplify communication between market participants and assist marketing Competition policy: Standards create a more level “playing field” and support fairness Transaction cost: Standards enhance the security and reduce cost of market transactions Incentive for continuous quality improvement Contribution to equity and sustainability: Standards impose limits on resource use, use of inputs and labour conditions Value chains and standards 1
9 ValueLinks Types and importance of norms and quality standards Contents Approaches to introduce safety norms and quality standards 1 2 Introducing product norms and standards
10 ValueLinks Developing codes and standards 2 Which standard? – a decision tree Do target markets require the observation of standards? …or would a standard improve market access? Yes No Does this standard exist already? Are there any important safety, social and/or ecological concerns? No Yes - Develop and agree on a specific private code of conduct Is there scope for adjustment? Yes No - Agree on VC / country-specific adaptations - Introduce standard Is there a standard / law that regulates the issue at stake? Yes No - Support legal reform & enforcement Is it binding? Yes No - Amend standard
11 ValueLinks Implementing codes and standards 2 Assessment of target market access requirements: Who sets the standards for the new markets – and how are they enforced? Assessment of capacities: Can small producers meet the standards of these new markets? Which capacities need to be strengthened along the chain to meet the standards – and at what cost? Which institutions or innovative companies are capable of supporting chain operators to implement the standards? Identification of leverage points and investment: Which constraints are critical - impeding or promoting the necessary change in production technology and organisation? Which technical or financial assistance is necessary to initiate and strengthen the implementation and long-term application of the standards? Lead questions and considerations
12 ValueLinks Conformity control (risk analysis, control of food production / processing, of markets and shops Gather information Development of QM-systems Adaptation of legal framework Public-Private Partner-ships Preparation of laboratories + certification bodies for ISO-Certification on regulatory framework / norms / laws on food safety, input standards, sanctions (international trade!) on existence / effectiveness of control bodies Use information Identify needs for adaptation of framework Process introducing safety standards Identify upgrading needs of control bodies Identify up- grading needs of enterprises Capacity development Organize/ implement upgrading Macro Meso Micro Technologies, management 2
13 ValueLinks Gather information Quality requirements of the buyers Involved price differences or willingness to pay for better quality Use information Sensitize / raise awareness of suppliers on quality / safety needs and related economic potentials If interest and willingness to contribute are manifest Develop / agree on measures to achieve the required qualities and benefits Implement & evaluate Implement agreed measures Evaluate with suppliers and buyers Learn from experience Use experience + momentum Disseminate success stories Scale-up Process introducing quality standards Exit? Meso Micro ( ) 2
14 ValueLinks Production Trans- formation Distribution Primary producers Traders, Retailers Con- sumers Processing Industry Con- sumption GAPGMPGTP GDP GHP Operational prerequisites: GAP = good agricultural practice GMP = good manufacturing practice GTP = good trade practice GDP = good distribution practice GHP = good hygiene practice Quality Management System e.g. - HACCP - Product traceability Based on laws and norms General: - ISO 9000pp Specific to food safety, e.g.: - ISO EU Regulation 178/2002 Quality & Safety Management System 2
15 ValueLinks ISO 65 accredi- tation Standard Guidelines certifi- cation Third party audit 2 Verifying standard application Customer Certification body Operator (producer, processor, Exporter) First party audit Second party audit Accreditation body