The future for the UK in this crowded, dangerous, beautiful world depends on people of all cultures living and working together on foundations of education, mutual understanding, respect and trust. Our vision:
…the building of engagement and trust between people of different cultures through the exchange of knowledge and ideas Cultural relations is…
Promoting the exchange of knowledge and ideas builds understanding and co-operation, and earns trust and influence for the UK enables people in the UK and around the world to have more secure and fulfilling lives generates opportunity and responds to aspirations, We believe that:
We build engagement and trust for the UK through the exchange of knowledge and ideas between people worldwide Our purpose is:
Leaders Influencers mid/mature career Aspirants pre/early career How does the British Council deliver engagement & trust between the UK and other countries? Internationalism/Language /Education Mutual Influence Intercultural Understanding Shared Goals & Policy Outcomes UK Leaders UK Influencers (Incl British Council Staff) UK Aspirants Interactions Connecting leaders Flow of mutual Trust & Engagement
Targeting & propositions: Leadership level (Bespoke Cultural Relations) Influence level (Face to face and large scale programmes bringing influencers from different countries together) Access level (Online and large scale programmes) 100s 1,000s 1,000,000s Connecting Leaders Influencers mid/mature career Aspirants pre/early career Internationalism/Language/Education/Skills Mutual influence, inter-cultural understanding, trust, shared goals and public policy outcomes Key Moments Transitions
Military action Sanctions Coercion Networking Mutual understanding Relationship building Cultural exchange Listening Facilitation Cultural Diplomacy Showcasing Broadcasting Public Diplomacy Cultural Relations POWER Messaging Advocacy Campaigns Traditional Diplomacy Soft Power Hard Power ACCESS MESSAGING English Education Skills Qualifications International experiences International Relations positioning spectrum AID Aid Development British Council building engagement and trust for the UK Connecting people of current and future influence to the UK and other countries, sharing agendas for mutual understanding and benefit British Council increasing skills and capacity to participate internationally Developing skills and connecting aspiring talent worldwide British Council facilitating for the UK through culture & creativity Creating spaces for diplomacy, creativity and business ENGAGEMENT & INFLUENCE
Military action Sanctions Coercion Networking Mutual understanding Relationship building Cultural exchange Listening Facilitation Cultural Diplomacy Showcasing Broadcasting Fighting Messaging Advocacy Campaigns Helping Shouting English Education Skills Qualifications International experiences International Relations positioning spectrum Giving Aid Development British Council building engagement and trust for the UK Connecting people of current and future influence to the UK and other countries, sharing agendas for mutual understanding and benefit British Council increasing skills and capacity to participate internationally Developing skills and connecting aspiring talent worldwide British Council facilitating for the UK through culture & creativity Creating spaces for diplomacy, creativity and business SharingBoasting
Cultural relations happens when we bring people together to exchange knowledge and ideas Cultural relations is from and of the people of a country and generally works best at arms length from governments Cultural relations is built on generosity - both ways - and not always seeking a direct payback Cultural relations – by building trust and engagement, international links and responding to peoples aspirations - is a powerful force for good in international relations The UK and the World need more cultural relations to build shared security, prosperity and sustainability. We believe