Art & culture International Committee Artistic project for BPW Women in the world. By Pinella Bombaci Art &Cultural International Commettee President
Pearls from BPW Italy …. …in the world ! This project is inserted in the triennial theme “ Empowered Women Leading Business” and in the broader context of the WEPs: - 4)Promote education, training and professional development for women - 6) Promote equality through community initiatives and advocacy
The goal The Project's goal is to put in contact BPW women who live in different countries, to exchange culture and job opportunities one another.
The project has the aim to implement an action of cultural dialogue among women living in different countries around the world and give job opportunities to young women. The project stems from a concrete experience lived in Italy: a similar project, in fact, was brought to the attention of local and national Institutions and has received praise from the Minister for Cultural Heritage. In Sardinia Region, the Municipality funded (Euro ) a training course for n.9 BPW Italy young women as guides for the religious paths of Cagliari city. All work will be coordinated by the Art & culture International Committee President Pinella Bombaci, who will report to the International President. This, at no cost to the Italian or other Federation.
First phase : the search 1)Italian clubs who wish to participate in the project, will have to choose a country and a BPW International Club to weave an intercultural exchange. 2)Italian Clubs will contact an international club to take agreement to work together.
Second phase :the knowledge 1)The theme that the Italian club must let know to the chosen club, will cover “the pearl” discovered during the biennium 2005 – 2007 or another one which may be discovered now. 2)In turn, the Club which is chosen will let know to the Italian club, “a pearl” which is in own country. The “pearl” is a small unknown place rich in art and history 3)All the BPW members of the clubs who are able to speak English or another vehicular language must work in the project.
Third phase : the meeting 1)The two clubs, who have worked together, will organize a twinning, which will be attended by Mayors of two cities, Chambers of Commerce and other local Authorities. 2)To this aim, the Twinning Task force will be involved,. 3)The two clubs will do a seminar together to make their pearls known not only to their own members but also to all the citizens of the two countries.
Final phase: work opportunity 1)The two clubs will contact the two Mayors, the Chambers of Commerce and other local Authorities and will ask for appropriate funds to train young women on the knowledge of “pearls”, giving them the opprtunity to work for tourist agencies or other tourism bodies.
The choice of the intercultural dialogue is to attend the meeting and listening to the others; all together to build a fairer and more united humanity.