Intelligent Techniques for Data Integration and Decision Support in the Medical Domain Mirjana Ivanović, Hans-Dieter Burkhard
AGENDA General information Scientific Objectives Project Description and Structure Expected benefit of project results Conclusion
General information Bilateral project Germany – Serbia DAAD (G) - Ministry of Education and Science (S) (Gabriela Lindemann – v. Trzebiatowski) Hans-Dieter Burkhard, Mirjana Ivanovic Duration: (Application June 2010) Joint research, papers, mutual visits
AGENDA General information Scientific Objectives Project Description and Structure Expected benefit of project results Conclusion
Scientific Objectives Data commonly produced during medical practice falls into the category of complex data: -text documents, time-series (i.e., sequences of data points measured at successive times) -multimedia objects (images, sound, etc.) The main objective of this project: investigation and application of different techniques for reasoning, mining and retrieval to problems recognized in medical domain
Scientific Objectives The main focus of the project will be placed on: Investigating how to overcome difficulties in organizing (in appropriate way) huge amount of different kinds of medical data (numbers, text, images) Incorporating reasoning and mining techniques in implementation of reliable general-purpose intelligent (DSS) Developments of specific-purpose DSS (developed from general one) in several medical fields (Nephrology, Haematology, Pathology, and Neurology). Usage of Ontology to improve results of more complex data analyses.
AGENDA General information Scientific Objectives Project Description and Structure Expected benefit of project results Conclusion
Project Description and Structure Nowadays, medical imaging, analysis of fluid and tissue samples and storage and retrieval of patient records require applications of sophisticated computer technologies Realization of DSS for diagnosis, therapy planning or integration into a large-scale centralized repository. Project will perform activities divided into 5 Working packages
Project Description and Structure WP1. Analysis of the wide spectrum of heterogeneous data appearing in medical domains in order to identify characteristic ones. WP2. Analysis of essential functionalities of different intelligent techniques and ways of their integration in general-purpose DSS. WP3. Proposition of an architecture of a general-purpose DSS and its implementation. WP4. Implementation of 2 special-purpose DSS for application in German and Serbian Clinics. WP5. Development of a prototype with key functionalities for therapy planning.
AGENDA General information Scientific Objectives Project Description and Structure Expected benefit of project results Conclusion
Expected benefit of project results Survey, containing: 1)Proposition of characteristic medical data extracted from the wide spectrum of heterogeneous sources. 2) Ways of integration of key intelligent functionalities in a decision support system. General-purpose DSS for medical domains. 2 special-purpose DSS for particular medical fields. A prototype of a therapy planning system.
AGENDA General information Scientific Objectives Project Description and Structure Expected benefit of project results Conclusion
Conclusion Interesting: Selected projects, usually – environmental, nano technologies, medicine and food production Low selection rate Significant to make joint research, inclusion of young researchers General expectation: joint applications for bigger EU projects