Videoconferencing in Modern Languages Authors Stephen McCrossan, North Lanarkshire Learning & Leisure Computing Centre, Towers Road, Airdrie, ML6 8PG. Enhance the skills of teachers in video conferencing using Marratech, Use this e-learning environment to enhance the language skills and social learning skills of our pupils in the secondary and primary schools in North Lanarkshire and Mallorca. The exchange of teaching materials. Objectives Video conferencing; Spanish, Software Description Use videoconferencing to promote links between secondary and primary schools in North Lanarkshire and Mallorca. Teachers have been trained in the use of videoconferencing software and adopted appropriate learning and teaching methodologies and strategies to deliver the Spanish course at primary level. Learning Areas Modern Languages (Spanish) Levels Marratech video conferencing, Keywords Project Overview
Videoconferencing in Modern Languages Teaching Resources Click the documents below to view the teaching resources used in the teaching of this learning project: Student Project Overview: A series of lessons have been devised using videoconferencing to enhance language skills between Scotland and Mallorca. There is also an emphasis placed on the cultural exchange between the two countries. Class Server Resources: Below are some examples of the resources used in one of the videoconferencing lessons. Doc 1:Response prompt sheet. Doc 2:Pupil produced question prompt sheet. Doc 3:Montage of images depicting lesson Doc 4:Video of pupils singing to Spanish pupils. Doc 5:Whiteboard with song explanation in Spanish. Documents
Videoconferencing in Modern Languages Teacher and School Information SchoolContact St. Andrew’s PS Teresa Cairney and Michael Deane Laggan Road, Airdrie, ML6 0LL ( )