ESDS Government Resources ESDS Government Centre for Census and Survey Research University of Manchester
ESDS Government Supports UK surveys, e.g. General Household Survey Labour Force Survey British Crime Survey Health Survey for England Family Resources Survey –Most are repeated yearly or more often –Important, widely used microdata Joint service –UK Data Archive, Essex: registration, data archive –CCSR, Manchester: intermediary between data depositor and user
Role- Manchester team Helpdesk Create user guides Promote the use of the data Encourage good practice Bridge gap data collector – user Provide workshops Organise user meetings
Annual themes Workshops related to annual theme –2003: Employment/Labour Market –2004: Health –2005: Social capital –2006: Ethnicity –2007: Consumption –2009: Crime & citizenship emphasise substantive research thematic guide for data exploration
Internet user support FAQs & Starting Analysis Methodological Guides –SPSS, Stata –Guide to weighting Publications database Variable search Links to other web resources Online analysis with Nesstar Thematic Guides
Improve usability of data Creating themed teaching datasets Change over time –syntax to enable comparison Harmonising Vital Statistics access and formatting
Keeping in touch Biannual newsletter newslist Home page contains news –Our news –New data Helpdesk
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