+ The Gift of The Magi by O’Henry 8th September, 2015 If you were absent last class, you missed finishing “A Sound of Thunder” and two homework assignments! Please see the class website for notes on the day’s lesson. TODAY I.Check Vocabulary and lit. examples II. Notes: Literary Terms III.Read and Discuss “The Gift of the Magi”
+ William Sydney Porter O. Henry Born on Sept. 11 th in N. Carolina Raised by Gma/aunt after mom died Left school at 15 to work. Moved to Texas at 18 Coined the term “Banana Republic” while living in Honduras Spent 3 years in prison for embezzlement (He maintains his innocence) Died of cirrhosis in 1910
+ O. Henry Museum in AUSTIN!! The O. Henry Museum offers a look into the life of William Sidney Porter in the Austin years leading up to his controversial prison term, after which he assumed the pen name O. Henry and set about transforming himself into the famed short story writer who authored such universal classics as "Gifts of the Magi," "The Ransom of Red Chief" and "The Cop and the Anthem.” (austintx.gov) 409 E 5th St, Austin, TX 78701
+ Magi plural noun, singular Magus (sometimes lowercase) the wise men, generally assumed to be three in number, who paid homage to the infant Jesus. Matt. 2:1–12. These men brought gifts at a great sacrifice to themselves.
+ Your Turn!*** Think about the greatest gift you’ve ever received. What is it? Would you be willing to sacrifice that gift? Give it up? If so, what circumstances would need to be surrounding that situation to make you willing to give it up? {Put this on page 9 of your response notebook OR the page directly after your SOT literary term examples. This will be checked for a stamp next class}
+ Plot*** The sequence of events in a story. Focuses on a central conflict or problem faced by the main character. The actions that the characters take to resolve the conflict build toward a climax. A plot develops in five stages: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution.
+ the beginning of the story where the characters, situations, and conflicts are introduced events that occur to complicate the plot and create suspense a turning point in the story; the highest point of conflict what happens as the result of the climax the final outcome of the story
+ Character*** Characters are the individuals who participate in the action of a literary work. Like real people, characters display certain qualities, or characters traits; they develop and change over time; and they usually have motivations, or reasons, for their behavior. Major, minor, dynamic, static, round, flat…
+ Setting*** The time and place of the action of a story. Some stories have minimal descriptions. In others, setting is described in detail and become a major contribution to the stories' overall effect.
+ More Figurative Language*** Irony: a special kind of contrast between appearance and reality – usually when reality is the opposite of what it seems. There are multiple types of irony. Irony
+ Possible Left Side Idea What Della Plans:What Actually Happens: What Jim Plans:What Actually Happens: This would be helpful if you’re struggling to determine what irony is!
+ As We Read… Think! How do the affections between a couple influence their giving and receiving of gifts?
+ Vestibule, flat, pier glass
+ Watches
+ Hair
+ Coney Island Chorus Girl
+ Hair Combs
+ What Are You Willing to Sacrifice?*** 1 Why would O. Henry portray Della as happy after she makes the sacrifice of selling her hair? 2 How do the details in lines hint that Jim, as well as Della, is capable of sacrifice? 3 Lines , What is Della feeling? How does suspense contribute to the story? [Include on page 11 in your notebook. OR whichever page comes directly after your response to “Your Turn!” This will be checked for a stamp next class]
+ Homework: What are you willing to sacrifice? Questions on previous slide. Copy down in your journal on the right side; this will be checked for a stamp! STUDY!! Vocabulary Test next class, 9/14 This will include all vocabulary words from “A Sound of Thunder” and “The Gift of the Magi.” You will be asked to use these words in their proper context.