Using ESDS Government Resources for Health Research Dr. Anthony Rafferty ESDS Government Centre for Census and Survey Research University of Manchester
Health Research? Lots of topics; Lots of Data… ….Specific medical conditions…Illness and disease...Psychological health…Healthcare usage…Smoking and alcohol consumption… Incapacity/disability and work…Accidents… Diet and exercise… Children and young people… Maternal health…Attitudes… Health and ethnicity…etc etc……
Overview ESDS Government Resources can help you: –Find whats available –Find whats useful for you –Understand and use the data Today: ESDS Government resources for health research, and general resources
ESDS Government Specialist service supporting users of the large, continuous, cross-sectional surveys collected (largely) for government purposes Supports Large Scale (typically repeated cross-sectional) government datasets Part of the larger Economic and Social Data Service led by the UK Data Archive –ESDS Longitudinal –ESDS International –ESDS Qualidata
What are we here for? Archiving and dissemination of the surveys (UKDA) Other functions at CCSR –Promoting and supporting the use of the data –Value added materials –Training –Facilitating communication between data depositors and users
Key Supported Datasets English Health Survey (91-) Scottish Health Survey (95, 98, 03) Northern Ireland Health Survey Welsh Health Survey (95,98) Other relevant datasets: GHS; UK-LFS; FRS; BSAS Recent developments: GHS time-series ( )
Overview: ESDS Government Health Resources Web pages dedicated to each dataset: –HSE, SHS, WHS etc Health Theme Page Introductory Guide to Using the Large- Scale Govt Surveys for Health Research HSE Teaching dataset
Introductory Guide to Using Large- Scale Govt Surveys for Health Research General introduction to whats available for health researchers Strengths of different sources Links to other appropriate sources Updated annually
HSE teaching dataset Cut-down data for teaching Excludes boosts Simplified weighting variable 60 variables 2002 data User guide
Overview: ESDS Government General resources Publications database Introductory user guides (SPPS, Stata, Weighting) Keeping in touch: Workshops/events/newsletter Helpdesk
Publications Database
Keeping in touch User Meetings Annual Conference Website contains news & information about consultations/data developments JISCmail esds-govsurveys list Newsletter –Biannual –Contains news Survey news from ONS etc New ESDS resources Summaries of meetings –Available on website
The important last slide… Helpdesk: (0161) Website: Jisc list:
Survey Link Scheme 2007 Survey Link Scheme
ORGANISATIONS INVOLVED Office for National Statistics (ONS) National Centre for Social Research (NATCEN) BMRB INTERNATIONAL Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER), University of Essex in collaboration with NOP University of Surrey
WHAT IS INVOLVED? Attending a 1-Day Workshop at the Regional location of your choice Normally an optional fieldwork visit with an Interviewer within NATCEN, ONS, ISER, and BMRB Travel expenses are paid University of Surrey
WORKSHOPS The one day includes: A brief overview of the BLAISE computer program used in the development of questionnaires Construction of the questionnaire and practical discussion on interviewing A Survey Organisations presentation on the use of CAPI on a major survey undertaken by the major organisations A practical demonstration of the ESRC QUESTION BANK and what it offers quantitative and qualitative researchers University of Surrey
WORKSHOPS The day is concerned essentially with the gathering of data and how quality is assured. It is not concerned with the analysis of data which is the subject of other workshops University of Surrey
WHO BENEFITS? Social Science Researchers Post Graduate Students: –MSc. –Ph.D. Teachers of Research Methods Researchers (non-Academic) University of Surrey
Currently few Social Research Methods Courses for postgraduates provide more than a general treatment of Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI). University of Surrey Survey Link Scheme WHY APPLY?
Question Bank Website example Website: University of Surrey
Survey Link Scheme SLS Programme University of Surrey
CONTACTS Online: Administrator - Jenny Rains TEL: University of Surrey