Insert picture of country flag My Exchange I AM STUDYING IN THE U.S. FOR (INSERT HOW LONG) My Country is > Miles Away YFU offers summer, semester and year programs to over 40 countries. In addition, YFU offers a variety of unique specialized interest programs; such as gap year, volunteering, university study, language & culture, the arts, nature and sports. Insert map of your country
[Reasons may include, but should not be limited to: to learn English, to compare typical American values to values of your home country, to find a unique experience. Feel free to personalize this question with a short story about how you decided to study abroad.] WHY? WHY I CHOSE TO STUDY ABROAD
[Major, or favorite, holidays in home country. Describe the style of celebration.] Cultural Differences HOLIDAYS [Typical hobbies or activities for teenagers in your home country.] HOLIDAYS
[Describe some things you’ve had difficulty adjusting to in the US.] Cultural Differences ADJUSTING TO THE U.S. [Describe something you think American teenagers would have difficulty adjusting to in your home country.] ADJUSTING TO THE (YOUR COUNTRY)
How many hours per week do we spend in school? Differences? Similarities? Cafeteria food? SCHOOL SCHOOL IN MY >
YFU is a global leader in student exchange. Families around the world trust YFU because of our strong reputation for quality, high safety standards, and knowledgeable local support network. YFU has exchanged over 250,000 students in 60 countries since YFU INTERCULTURAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM
YFU offers more than a 100 different programs to over 40 countries. In addition, YFU offers a variety of unique specialized interest programs; such as gap year, volunteering, university study, language & culture, the arts, nature and sports. HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAMS SCHOLARSHIPS & FUNDRAISING STUDY ABROAD YFU awards 250+ scholarships each year. YFU offers a fundraising guide on the website
Most students receive credits. YFU provides a step-by-step guide to help students work with their school. HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT YFU alumni are eligible for preferred college admission and scholarships at select colleges. UNIVERSITY APPLICATIONS EDUCATIONAL ADVANTAGE CAREER BENEFITS Language fluency coupled with the ability to comprehend another culture gives YFU students career advantages they wouldn’t otherwise have.
Hosting a YFU exchange student is a life-changing experience not only for the student but for your whole family. HOSTING IS FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY MY HOST FAMILY (ADD PHOTO BELOW) HOST A STUDENT
By opening your home and heart to an overseas student, your family will gain a global perspective, many memories and – quite possibly – a new family member for life! GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE All YFU students live with a carefully selected host family for the duration of their stay. REQUIREMENTS HOST A STUDENT
Learn more about YFU at Call TEENAGE MORE INFO QUESTIONS Visit our website to start your application today. HOW TO APPLY