2015 Wiltshire pupil health and wellbeing survey You and nearly 7,000 children and young people from Years 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 & 12 took part in the 2015 Wiltshire pupil health and wellbeing survey. Thank you for taking part! These results are from the Secondary Survey. Thank You!
What have you told us? Health and wellbeing survey 2015 What have you told us? Health and wellbeing survey 2015
How many of you are happy most of the time? A. 62% B. 32% C. 89% D. 53%
How many of you try your best at school? A. 61% B. 76% C. 92% D. 25%
How many of you don’t get into trouble at school? A. 72% B. 58% C. 33% D. 93%
A. 45% B. 32% C. 73% D. 68% How many of you said that you felt safe at school?
How many of you reported that you have not been bullied in the past year? A. 31% B. 64% C. 70% D. 92%
How many of you reported having never smoked at all? A. 86% B. 84% C. 78% D. 72%
How many of you said that you have NEVER tried illegal drugs? A. 98% B. 93% C. 83% D. 56%
How many of you said that you took part in physical activity for four hours or more a week? A. 45% B. 78% C. 62% D. 31%
How many of you said that you did enough physical activity to keep yourself healthy? A. 40% B. 60% C. 78% D. 31%
How many of you said that you eat breakfast most mornings or every day? A. 67% B. 87% C. 49% D. 34%
A. 42% B. 56% C. 71% D. 98% How many of you felt that there was someone you could talk to or seek help from when you are worried?
How many of you go to bed before 10pm? A. 42% B. 64% C. 79% D. 30%
A. 13% B. 56% C. 20% D. 68% How many of you thought that your views and the school council made a difference to things at your school?
Overall, there are some very positive trends in Wiltshire. But there are still some things that we think could be better. What are we doing to help you?
We provide the Wiltshire Healthy Schools programme. Your teachers can use the Healthy Schools online audit and action plan to record what is going well in your school and plan what to do to next to address areas for development. What are we doing to help you?
Our School Teachers – Use your Online Pupil Survey Data from the LodeSeeker site; Share with the pupils how you can work together to improve things in your school.
Talk to your teachers about the things you feel would help you to be safer, happier and healthier in school. Acknowledge and celebrate the things that you are doing really well at. Work with the teachers and other pupils to help make things better for everyone. What can you do to help make things better?
We look forward to hearing about the progress you are making in the areas that you will be working on. Good luck! And finally…