Methodology The CDC has been managing the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) since 1990 Saugus YRBS M.S. and H.S. questionnaires are customized Most surveys administered during single class period After removing invalid survey records, 604 M.S. respondents and 548 H.S. respondents Largest margin of error less than 4.0 percentage points for grade-level results 2
Past-30-Day ATOD Prevalence Middle School 3
Past-30-Day ATOD Prevalence High School 4
Lifetime ATOD Prevalence Middle School 5
Lifetime ATOD Prevalence High School 6
7 Past-30-Day ATOD Prevalence High School Comparisons
Alcohol and Driving Past-30-Day Prevalence Among High School Students 8 Riding with a DUI DriverDriving Under the Influence 9th 10th 11th 12th
9 Alcohol and Driving High School Comparisons
10 Problem Behaviors at School
Bullying Questions During the past 12 months, how many times have you been bullied at school? (Being bullied includes being repeatedly teased, threatened, hit, kicked, or excluded by another student or group of students.) During the past 30 days, has someone posted something about you on another webpage (such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.) that made you upset or uncomfortable? 11
Bullied at School Past-12-Month Prevalence by Grade Level 12
Cyber Bullied Past-30-Day Prevalence by Grade Level 13
Cyber Bullied Past-30-Day Prevalence Among Middle School Students 14 6th 7th 8thFemale Male
Harassment at School High School Students 15
16 Sexually Active Students Lifetime Prevalence of Sexual Intercourse
17 Sexual Health and Risk Among High School Students
18 Bullying, Fighting, and Sex High School Comparisons
19 Depression and Suicidal Ideation Past-12-Month Prevalence
Hurting/Injuring Self on Purpose Past-12-Month Prevalence Among High School Students 20 9th 10th 11th 12th Female Male
21 Depression and Suicidal Ideation High School Comparisons
Trying to Lose Weight Prevalence Among High School Students 22 9th 10th 11th 12th Female Male
23 Biggest Source of Stress at School Among High School Students
24 Student Free Time
Survey Results Websites 25